Monday, January 1, 2024

So I Asked My Magic 8 Ball...

 "Magic 8 Ball will it be a good year for me"? The answer was most pleasing as it answered this:

"It is certain".

I am happy is said so and thus has assured me of a good year to come. Do you think that to be nutty, crazy, delusional or somehow unstable of me? If so, let me say this: If someone can believe that he can have his penis cut off and suddenly be transformed into a woman and not be considered (heck - not actually be) delusional; then I can believe that my Magic 8 Ball is infallible, especially when it gives me the answers for which I am hoping! That most certainly must be better than me cutting off my own pee-pee.
Proof already beginning to show itself: just felt a fart coming on and as soon as I felt it coming on I wondered wet or dry and should I go sit on the throne. Yes I did run to it and good for me because, IMO, it was much the same consistency of Hershey's syrup (no offense to Hershey's Co. or Hershey's syrup).πŸ˜‚ So you see, my Magic 8 Ball was right. Please note, you may or may not achieve the same amount of satisfaction from your own or from another person's Magic 8 Ball.

Happy New Year,
Glenn  B


riverrider said...

it didn't say what it was certain of. could be certain of not a good year.

Glenn B said...

Yee of little faith.....

riverrider said...

lol, yeah my faith is sorely tested at the moment. everybody i know is pessimistic on the new year, fearful even. yet, it could be the great turning, where all becomes known and like the soviet union the usg fades into oblivian.