Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Want To See Why Health Insurance is So Screwed Up (Other Than Obummercare)

This is the bill section of my latest statement from a medical facility I use. Look at how much the facility charged and how much the insurance company paid them. If that is not waste and mismanagement, or maybe even fraud, then nothing is any of them.

SERVICE PERIOD  11/21/2013  Insurance
What You Owe Now
  Charges Billed 760.00   
12/03/2013 OP Blue Cross Pmt -3,418.90   
  Insurance Benefit 2,658.90   
Balance Pending $0.00  $0.00 

I can assure you that I did not see one penny of the $2,658.90 "Insurance benefit" since payment goes directly to the facility. Maybe I should discontinue direct payment and see if they send that to me next time.

All the best,