Wednesday, July 9, 2008

So You Tell Me - What's Up With Gas Not Going Down?

I mean, just two or three days ago, Iheard that the price of crude had gone down by just over $9.00 per barrel. When the friggin price of a barrel went up, even by just a quarter or half buck, the price at the pumps went up the next day; but when the price fals by over $9.00 per barrel - well there has not even been one friggin red cent take off the price at the pumps near me! If the info about the drop in crude prices was right, well then it is just gosh darned greed that is all that is keeping the prices as high as they are; greed and an absolute lack of respect for any of us consumers.

All the best,
Glenn B

Did He Really Say, About Barack Hussein Obama,...

..."I want to cut his nuts off"? If you have not heard it yet, well go here:

I think it is a very revealing piece of truth, but my guess would be one that good old Jesse J did not want us all to hear, or why whisper. What a classic open mike take was this!!!

All the best,
Glenn B

Yet Another Two New Links... to a blog and one to a neat firearms related site. Over on the right, you can now find a link to The Michael Bane Blog ( here it is if that does not work for you:, and down further in the Firearms Interests section you can find DownRange.TV (here is a link just in case: I only found out about both of these because of a nice mention that Damsel gave to me over at: These two new ones sure look interesting.

All the best,
Glenn B

The Check Is In The Mail...

...well, so to speak anyhow. I mailed out my order for the M1916 Spanish Mauser last night. Hopefully they will come available off of back order soon and I will have a new rifle to add to the small collection I already own.

All the best,