It has been a busy last few days. It was not until, I guess Friday that I really started to feel up to doing just about anything that took any effort. So for the past two days and part of today so far, I have been doing things like Christmas shopping, contacting my senators to ask them to pass HR82 which would eliminate the Windfall Elimination Provision that screws federal civil service retirement system retirees out of 2/3 of their social security, trying to get others to do likewise, bidding on a firearms auction during much of yesterday, catching up on household chores, and grocery shopping.
Oh, did I just mention a firearms auction? Why, yes I did. I picked up several items but only had the high bid on one gun. That was an Intratec TEC-9 mini. No magazine but after that auction, I went to GunBroker and hit the buy now option for an offering of two 36 round aftermarket mags and two 32 round OEM mags.

Those are my Christmas and get well presents from me to me. Sometimes I treat myself nicely. Should be loads of fun or so I hope.
This is the first gun I have ever bought based largely on the fact it is tacticalcool. I turned down an offer to buy one back around 1980 when I was in the Border Patrol. The gun counter clerk at Yellowmart in El Centro, CA tried to talk me into it as a fun gun and one that could be easily altered to make it full auto (could have been a different version of the TEC-9). By the way, converting a firearm from semi-auto to full auto is not anything I recommend doing, in fact I strongly recommend you do not do so as that could wind up with you getting prison time unless Biden pardons you or commutes your sentence before he is out).) I declined because back then, like now, I prefer my pistols to have practical applications and that one does not, at least for me, as far as I can see (unless of course the Zombie Apocalypse befalls us). Thus this one is the exception.
All the best,
Glenn B