I have not had much luck this summer with fishing trips. Headed to the boat three times to go fishing, one time was turned away by the captain because his crew never showed up, another time caught 4 fish but none of those for which we were fishing, and the last time I caught zilch just like everyone else on the boat that night. So, for an upcoming tip in the near future, I am planning on going out on a different boat from a different location. As a matter of fact, the boat I will be going out on will be about 1,199.8 miles away from my home as opposed to the closer one which is only about 16.1 miles from my house.
Yep, I plan to fly down to West Palm Beach to visit my aunt and uncle next month. I am pretty certain my uncle and I will go fishing and I am planning on driving up to Ft. Pierce with him to fish aboard the Capt. Lew. Last time I fished down that way we had a great time out on that boat. Caught enough fish to keep me happy and the ones we kept tasted great. Besides going out on the Capt. Lew, am hopeful I will also get in some freshwater fishing from a canoe (without being capsized by and eaten by an alligator).
While I am not rolling in dough, and would not be able to afford this trip under normal circumstances with the 2nd half of my son's college bill, and with my property taxes, soon due - I have a $436 credit with an airline because I had to cancel a planned trip to attend an NRA Law Enforcement Instructor's School out in Las Vegas (maybe next year for that one). I bought the ticket early, back in May, cancelled recently due to unforeseen circumstances, and now have to use the credit before next May. May (no pun intended) as well use it now, so I am flying down to FL in early September. Hmm, I'll still have enough of a credit to maybe do that again before May.
I hope the fishing will be even better than last time and that no hurricanes will be on order. Wish me luck please.
All the best,
Glenn B
...so was one who ruined today, August 15th, as a birthday. Take a look at the list and realize that if you share your birthday with her, well you have my heartfelt sympathy:
1688 Frederick-William I king of Prussia (1713-1740).
1769 Napoleon Bonaparte, Emperor of France (1804-1815) and military leader.
1771 Sir Walter Scott, Scottish novelist who wrote Ivanhoe and Rob Roy.
1845 Walter Crane England, painter/illustrator (Beauty & Beast).
1875 Samuel Coleridge-Taylor London, composer (Hiawatha's Wedding Feast.)
1879 Ethel Barrymore Philadelphia, actress (Constant Wife, Corn is Green).
1888 T.E. Lawrence, better known as Lawrence of Arabia.
1912 Julia Child, American chef and television personality.
1920 Huntz Hall actor (Cyclone, Gas Pump Girls, The Rating Game or maybe best known as: Horace DeBussy Jones, aka: Sach, of the Bowery Boys)
1924 Robert Bolt, English screenwriter and playwright best known for A Man for all Seasons.
1938 Maxine Waters, congresswoman from California, second African-American woman to be elected to congress.
What a way to ruin an impeccable line of great people born on this day!
All the best,
Glenn B
Your significant other does the laundry and finds several unspent rounds in the washer or dryer.You do an inventory of your ammunition and it amounts to over 10,000 rounds and you only own one gun.Your dry cleaner calls you to come pick up the ammo he found in your sports coat pockets while pressing it.You have a cache of more than 3 calibers of ammunition for which you do not own firearms of matching calibers to shoot the stuff.You have 500 rounds or more of ammunition for a hunting gun you shoot only a few times a year and even then only shoot less than 10 rounds each time.Your wife tells you to get the lead out, and she does not mean out of your big fat butt by mowing the lawn or doing other overdue chores, but means it literally because there is no room in a closet, attic or garage because your ammo leaves no room for anything else.You spend so much on ammo that you have overdue credit card bills.You empty your pockets looking for a quarter for the parking meter and all you come up with are two rounds of 7.62x39, several 9mm rounds and the closest thing to a quarter is a .25 ACP round.The dollar amount of the ammo you have on hand exceeds the money in your savings account, checking account, retirement account and your mortgage - combined.You own more ammo than you could reasonably shoot within the remainder of your lifetime, even if you went shooting every day, and have no heirs to whom you can leave it.
All the best,
Glenn B