...frustrates the heck out of me. I can take a pretty decent to excellent photograph with a 35mm SLR film camera; I know the basics of how to use f stop, shutter speed, film speed and so forth; I know the basics of how to use lighting with and without and filters, how to use backgrounds, how to use fill flash, how to use reflected light and so forth. The thing is, I cannot figure out the gosh darned Canon Power Shot 520 that I bought for my wife a few years back. I figured it would be our entry into digital photography. She hardly ever uses it, I try again and again, and I get some good shots - snapshots that is. I have no clue how to do anything with this camera that would require a level of digital photography know-how or skill. When I use manual focus it comes out blurry, when I use auto focus it sometimes comes out blurry (as when through glass), so I go back to manual, it looks sharp in the view finder, then comes out blurry anyhow. The pic accompanying this rant is a fine example of how badly I screw up. The Gray tree Frog, the focus of the shot, came out rather burred, while the flowers and the cork bark came out fairly sharp. I think I'll just go back to my Nikon FM2 and film, that is until they do away with film processing altogether. As it is now I can hardly find a lab to do color slides, or custom prints. All they do, for the most part, is 1 hour photo crap, and they ruin a lot of good film with the set-up they use. Still though, I am better at that than this digital stuff which just confounds the heck out of me.
All the best,
Glenn B
Thanks to the folks at Four Right Wing Wackos I have been introduced, in a round about way, to Turban Bomb - Reports From The Danish Frontline another blog that looks like it will be well worth a read on a frequent basis. The guys at 4RWWS linked to this: To Whom it May Concern over at The Ghost of a Flea. The rant To Whom It may Concern was based on, or was a copied part of, a rant Surrender? Up Yours! at Turban Bomb. I was quite interested and amused by that one, so I read some more of the rants at Turban Bomb. Quite interesting, and very eye opening indeed to see how it is on the front lines of a European country in which the Muslims are attempting a religious and national takeover of power as they spread the insidious cancer of Islamic rule across the world. It may be too late for the Danes, but maybe not, they are fighting back to some extent; and hopefully it will be enough for them to persevere and to maintain Danish sovereignty, culture and nationality. It is becoming apparent that those who believe there really are no other ways to combat the Islamo Fascist than to throw all Muslims out of a country may be correct because it seems if you allow them in, and then to remain, the cancer spreads - slowly at first - heck slowly for years, then suddenly it rages out of control. Hopefully the Danes will have the smarts to remove it surgically before it is too late.
By the way, if this offends any Muslims who may read it, then why are you not offended by the Islamo Fascists who try to conquer the world in the name of Islam. If you do nothing to deter them, then you support them as I see it, and you yourself are an offense to your own god and your own faith. If you think otherwise, then maybe it is true that the true goal of Islam is to conquer the world. What say you?
All the best,
Glenn B