Sunday, December 6, 2015

I Am No Computer Guru...

...but I am learning as I plod along taking chances with this one while trying to fix it myself. Amazingly, despite all the problems, it passed all the self diagnostic tests. Now, I am doing another system recovery but this one is very different. The others I ran all used files, that HP had placed in a partitioned area on the hard drive, to reinstall the operating system anew. I also had three DVDs to use for the same purpose but did not see how or when I could use them to do the recovery. 

Well, the system just stopped booting at all and shortly after that it gave me the prompt to insert the media to reboot. I did it and it is now doing a system recovery from the first of those three DVDs. First it said it was formatting the drive (am I ever so happy I have a backup of my important documents and most of my photos). Now it says it is copying files. It is taking its sweet arsed time copying files and I imagine that means it is getting it done right this time or in other words that it is doing a complete rewrite of the operating system. I am not about to get too excited about it yet but if and when it has me insert discs 2 and 3 then I will believe I am making real progress. Otherwise, if this does not work, I guess I will be buying a new laptop.

All the best,

HP Woes

It seems my laptop may be fried. I am running a System Tune-Up, which is not really a tune-up but a series of tests of things like the memory, PCI device, processor and the hard disk. It is going really slowly, slower than I remember during a past test when the hard drive was crapped out. Whatever, the darned thing keeps running slow, failing to update Windows, failing to boot and blue screens keep showing up. Norton said it is virus free. All that despite me running a system recovery and starting all over  five times, maybe six. Last time this happened, my hard disk was the culprit.

This and a previous HP Laptop have been the most problematic computers I have owned and likewise out of all computers I have ever used. To me, it seems HP = Shaite. I think I will go back to Dell after this or maybe some other brand but will not get anpther HP. I am only going to start saving for a new one now so, unless I can figure out and fix the problem soon,  I am going to be using my phone for all my Internet stuff for quite the time to come.

All the best,