Sunday, April 7, 2024

Another Nice GIF

 All the best,
Glenn B

Almost, Kind Of, Sort Of, Another Bridge Catastrophe

 Well there we almost went again as another huge cargo ship lost power in U.S. waters and came to a stop somewhat close to a major bridge. This time it happened in NY waters when the ship, the APL Qingdao, lost power. 
The NY Post reports: "A massive container ship lost propulsion power in the waters around New York City and was brought to a rest near the Verrazzano-Narrows Bridge Friday night — less than two weeks after failure on another massive cargo vessel caused it to smash into Baltimore’s Francis Scott Key Bridge.". Much more at the source.
Judging by the image size of the vessel as compared to that of the bridge, in the photo that is in the NY Post article, it appears to me the ship did not really get close but thank goodness it had three tugs escorting it and another three arrived to get it stopped because who knows what may have happened had it hit the bridge supports. That bridge has a good amount of traffic on it 24/7.
If it happens again soon, maybe I'll start to believe the conspiracy theories.

All the best,
Glenn B