Monday, December 5, 2016

We May Have Christmas Season Riots Yet

I guess I was wrong when I wrote that: "I don't think there will be riots after the verdict...mostly because I cannot see the jury of ex-police officer Michael Slager not guilty in his prosecution for shooting and killing Walter Scott in South Carolina in April 2015". Not wrong in exactly what I said, since there has not been a verdict handed down, but wrong in that I certainly never would have believed there would be a hung jury (in this first trial) and because I was pretty certain he would be found guilty.

No verdict but no conviction either - the first trial has resulted in a hung jury. At first it sounded like a mistrial would be called because, on Friday, the jury indicated that a lone juror refused to convict but as of yesterday, the jury sent out another note indicating
that "...the majority of jurors were undecided and then requested explanation of legal terms critical to the case, such as malice and self-defense" (source). Wow, this is only conjecture bt it almost sounds as if the lone holdout from Friday may have pulled a Twelve Angry Men sort of a thing and turned some of the others against a guilty verdict - who knows!

As for myself, I am totally flabbergasted that he was not found guilty but do not fault the system that we have in place. His fate is in the hands of jurors and not we who do not have all the facts that the jurors have seen or heard . It seems at least one of them may truly have believed he or she had reasonable doubt after hearing those facts and then apparently swayed some of the others since.

It will be retried, that is almost a certainty. I will again be absolutely amazed if a not guilty verdict is the result. Then again,  I base that only on what I have seen by way of the media - those stalwart supporters of lies, injustice and the communist way. Really though, I cannot see how he will not be convicted in light of the video that was made of the shooting but you never know until the verdict is read.

All the best,
Glenn B


All the best,
Glenn  B

Christmas 2016 - A Bit Extra Special This Year!

Yes, I think it will be so.

All the best,
Glenn B

Next Best thing If Not Moving To Canada

Well, if she promised to move to Canada, if Donald Trump won the election, and then did not move ( and I don't know that she did or did not make that promise), Joy Behar is what probably amounts to the next best thing. She is calling it quits as host of The View (source). Oh how overjoyed daytime television watchers must be, at least those with half a brain and who can think for themselves.  I wonder though if there will be tears, angst and gnashing of teeth in Lefturbia (aka: Leftistan) tonight upon the libs hearing that news.

Truthfully,  I don't know her from a hole in the wall, as the saying goes, except for what I have heard on the news now and again and from little I saw of her on that show and heard in discussions but let me say that was enough. I maybe watched about an hour or two total of The View over the course of several different airings over the years (mostly in waiting rooms). I always found it grossly distasteful and idiotic for the brief amount of time I watched it. She and her associates on the show seemed akin to Bill Maher, just a few more lame comedians imagining and self appointing themselves as experts on politics, social matters, national defense and affairs, international affairs and whatever else they chose to discuss. That is if you could actually call their rants discussions. The truth be told, they mostly seemed like a bunch of useless twits to me. Good riddance is what I think.

All the best,
Glenn B


The CVA 50 Caliber Hawken

I forgot to post a pic with my post on Sunday about the 50 caliber CVA so here it is.

All the best,

Black Furniture Ouch

My advice - never stay in a hotel that has black or very dark furniture. Stayed at a pretty nice hotel in Binghamton, NY Saturday night, this weekend. Nice place, with corteous staff and all but they had black furniture. The problem with that was the corner if the bed frame, a pretty sharp corner at that, stuck out at least a few inches  to several more than the corner of the mattress. So, when I got up in the middle of the night to use the facilities, I easily saw the mattress by the night light but did not see the corner of the very heavy wood bed frame and slammed the side of my knee into it hard.

It is not much to look at but man does it hurt. The knee and leg hurt good deal when I did it and even more yesterday such as when I was walking on it to my stand while hunting yesterday. I pretty much just plopped down in one spot and sat there. Even left my stand a half hour earlier than expected, to have enough time to hobble out of the woods so I could leave by my planned departure time. Last night, after the 3.5 hour drive home the knee was stiff as a board and swollen some too. Hurt like hell to get up on it and walk. The scrape is not bad but the bone/joint was very painful and there is a small bump at one point that still hurts like hell if I touch it or when going up and down the stairs or just walking too much. I must have bruised the bone. Just got a call to work today and had to decline because it still hurts that badly.

Oh well, next time I will stay somewhere with normal beds, where the easily seen white outline of the white mattress and white blankets (yes they were all white and easy to see as opposed to the bed frame/stand) mattress marks the outer limit, or very close to it, of the bed.

All the best,
Glenn B