Sunday, May 25, 2008

I Started Painting...

...the small bedroom about a week ago. Well, not really painting, but opening and cleaning out cracks, then plastering. I did more of it yesterday,sanding (thank the gods for a good dust mask), then a second coat of spackle where needed. Then more sanding today, then vacuuming up the mess. After that I washed the walls and ceiling, just a rinse really. Then I taped up all the molding. Then I realized, holy horse feathers, some of the cracks were still not fully filled in with spackle. So a finishing touch with the spackle.

Before I started all this today, I tried to replace the handle on the upstairs toilet. Gave a turn of the nut to take it off, and wham the side of the toilet tank broke off. Thank goodness only above the water line. It looks like it must have been cracked there somehow, maybe however the handle got busted put the crack in the tank. I wonder. Did not matter, because I needed to think about replacing either the tank or the whole shebang. I opted for the tank, but the guy at Home Depot told me the tank size is no longer made. I find that hard to believe - I mean that a tank today will not fit on a toilet of old, if only because all the other holes, as in the ones to attach the bowl to the floor, the flush hole, the valve hole, remain standard sized throughout the years. So I hemmed and hawed and just bought some painting supplies. I figure I'll check better on the tank size, maybe go to a plumbing supply store and see if I can get just the tank. It would be a whole lot easier to fix that.

On the way home from HD, I stopped at the local supermarket. I picked up a couple of lamb chops, a 12 pack of St. Pauli Girl, and some cherry flavored seltzer (great with vodka). The chops went down on the grill right after I got home, and a couple of beers soon followed the chops down my gullet. Then back up to the room to get done what I outlined above. Right now, over another St. Pauli Girl, I am here typing this, and waiting for the spot jobs of spackling to dry. I figure about an hour or two. I'll get that sanded and then its primer/sealer time. Hopefully I get the whole room, really more like a jail cell, done tonight with the primer/sealer, then tomorrow I'll put on the paint. The wife wanted lime green, and I got something between the outside and inside colors of a lime. Green for the walls, white for the ceiling. I think it is disgusting, she has not seen it yet. I hope she likes it. Really though, I figure once on the walls, with the stained woodwork trim, it will look nice.

Wait a minute. What was that? I think I hear a duetches frauline calling me, a St. Pauli Girl at that. Time for another cold one; later for you.

All the best,
Glenn B

Apartheid Has Not Disappeared...

...but rather it has again reared its ugly head, this time maybe a head of a different color. See: Anti-foreigner violence in South Africa kills 50.

It seems that South Africans have taken to the streets of squatter camps and "dormitories" and have been attacking and killing foreigners, blaming the foreigners for loss of jobs and the like. While I agree that foreigners could be responsible for loss of jobs, especially if enough of them are illegal aliens and are taking away jobs from South Africans by way of undercharging for their own labor, I also believe that the attackers have stooped to the dregs through their deplorable actions. They are most assuredly justified in their anger if it is true that so called immigrants are taking away their jobs, however they are at the same time repeating apartheid by taking the violent actions they take. I mean, are the attackers not the very same people who claimed ethnic rule and oppression was wrong, immoral and illegal? Or is it that South Africans just believe it to be the case when a certain ethnic group is in power and it does not suit them? The hypocrisy of the current state of affairs seems par for the course when it comes to ethnic disputes. I imagine there is some hope as others are marching for peace; but maybe the best hope would be found in South Africa having a strict Immigration policy that affords its own people the opportunity to work without interference from aliens, illegal or otherwise, who push citizens out of jobs. Sound familiar?

All the best,
Glenn B

Socialist Takeover of U.S. Oil Companies On The Agenda, How Far Behind Is Tyranny

What can I say folks, you heard her say it; there is no doubt she wants to socialize our economy with a government takeover of businesses like the oil companies. I have no great liking for those price gouging businessmen, but I do much prefer a free market and our Republic over anything that a big mouthed apparent communist loving and socialist loving politician like Maxine Waters has to offer. What do you think she would do next if her bid for a government takeover of the oil companies was successful? How she remains within her political office is far beyond my comprehension except for the fact that she was elected in the 35th District of California. She not only, in my opinion, deserves to be removed from office, but probably to apologize to the nation and to promise she will never again accept political or public office.

If you live within the 35th District of California, that she supposedly represents, I think you should consider doing all you legally can do to get her out of office because I think If left to folks like her our country would be on its knees in no time, and 'we the people' would be 'we the oppressed'. As a matter of fact, everyone who has access to a keyboard or a pen can write to her to denounce her statement, or call her to do the same, and to insist that she step down from political office. Will it work - hell probably not - because she is, in my personal opinion, a pompous ass; but it will remind the rest of them in Congress that we will not stand for the likes of her trying to get away with things like this; and most of the rest of them have brains between their ears. Heck if enough stink is made about this, maybe her constituents will wake up. When her reelection stint comes back around - I would think that you would want to vote her out of office if you want to do yourself a favor.

All the best,

Glenn B