Wednesday, October 23, 2024

What Did This Cowboy Eat When On The Trail?

 I ask that question in the title because I am listening to Johnny Cash singing Ghost Riders In The Sky and it just dawned on me, several decades after first hearing it, that the old cowboy must have been on one hell of psychedelic a trip. 
So what do you think it was induced by, him chomping down on a  cactus as in ingesting mescaline or was it fueled by him frying up some shrooms, as in psilocybin, to add to his chili? Whichever he  definitely was flying high.

Heck, now I've got a hankering for a nice thick rib eye steak (which I just pulled out of the freezer) along with some mushrooms (of course, I mean the canned variety) sauteed in butter.
All the best, 
Glenn B

Gunbroker. com Is Getting Tedious

I am getting pretty fed up with the absolute bullshit one has to go through to sign onto their site. The latest pain in the neck, as of my third time logging into their site today (was not required the first two times so must be brand spanking new) is that they now require an access code that they send to the site user in an email so you can sign on. They also require you to attest that you are 18 or older - wake up Gunbroker, I have an account with you - you already know how old am I (and know likewise for the rest of your users I think) and I do not live in Commiefornia - so tell the state of California and Governor Newscum to shove that requirement where the sun does not shine when it comes to U.S. citizens outside of that shithole of a state. Then there is checking off the box as to whether or not one accepts cookies or not - damn it, just put a notice on your site that signing on means you agree to that like the notification that comes up on my blog if viewed in Europe. 
Yeah, I know,it is like this on most websites. The thing is - it is long past time for those affected by these ridiculous rules to stand up against them. Companies owning websites can certainly come up with better security than requiring user verification codes. State laws should NEVER affect everyone in the nation - only state residents of the state enacting the law or people visiting those states but even ridiculous laws like CA's age verification for firearms related site should be obliterated as a violation of the first amendment. The cookie thing is totally ludicrous; who that owns or users a computer does not know that cookies are used nor how to get them off of you computer with applications like CCleaner??? What do sites like GunBroker do instead of fighting these ridiculous requirements, they bow down and kiss the governments arse. No wonder we are losing our liberties & rights left and right.
Now, I admit, I will keep using GunBroker because I know of no better website on which to sell guns but mind you, I will contact GunBroker and express my disappointment with the policies of theirs that I just mentioned. Hopefully so will others - enough of us to get rid some of this absolute BS.
All the best,
Glenn B

I Am Not Religiois For The Most Part...

 ...but I do believe in freedom of religion and think mocking it as Harris did is possibly a violation of our Constitution or at the very least something done in extremely bad taste as she is a government employee and she should be upholding that right to the fullest extent. So when I saw this meme on X, I knew I had to share it:
All the best,
Glenn B

Be A Responsible American - Wake Up To Reality And Vote For The Best Candidate For The USA

I encourage all U.S. Citizens, and only citizens of the USA, to carry out your responsibility as a citizen by voting in this years election. Along the same lines of being a RESPONSIBLE citizen, I strongly urge you to vote for the presidential candidate who actually shows a love for this country and who has an established and strong record of doing what is best for this country when that candidate was in political office. When you look at the facts objectively, there is a clear choice of which candidate for president would benefit this country the most and that absolutely is not the one who: cannot give a direct answer to a tough or even an easy question, not the one whose interview had to be edited to give a different answer, not the one who said she was in agreement with every policy of the current evidently demented president and that she played a pivotal part in those decisions, not the one who has been 100% for allowing illegal aliens into our country - aliens whose first act on American soil was a crime, not the one who says a violation of statutory law is not a crime with specific reference to the illegal entry of aliens after proudly having having boasted that while she was a state prosecutor in CA she prosecuted many illegal aliens for exactly that crime, not the one who wants to fast track the illegal aliens on the road to citizenship so they can vote for her party members, not the one who apparently never considered allowing in all the aliens who had legally applied to immigrate into our country and who would have been properly vetted but instead chose to allow in the illiterate scum of the earth including mental patients, criminals of the worst sort such as convicted murderers, rapists and terrorists, not the one who allowed in tons of illegal narcotics along with the illegal aliens - including record amounts of fentanyl (in amounts that could wipe out the populations of entire states), not the one who along with Biden virtually lost a reported 320,000 alien children many of whom are now likely enslaved a sex workers, not the one willing to have babies ripped part and out of a woman's womb at the moment of birth,  not the one who supported legislation that wound up destroying our economy and whose economic plan for our future would only further mutilate it and turn this nation into one of the weakest on the planet. 
Wake up democrats, anti-Trump Republicans, and any independents who think she has done anything making her worthy of becoming our next president other than being a so called black person (she proclaimed to the world she was Asian now all of a sudden she is black but only when it suits her - she is as black as the white half of Obama as I see her), wake up to the fact that voting for her because you think she will actually support women's rights when in fact she supports so called transgender women going into women's sports (they were male when born and still are male - no doubt about it) and they are destroying women's rights and women's sports. Wake up and take a look at her vice presidential running mate, he destroyed his state during COVID, he prances like a yahoo and lies like a drunken sailor about his so called accomplishments while he let cities in his state be burned by ANTIFA and BLM. 
Wake up and realize that when she says Trump is a threat to democracy (which by the way is definitely not our form of government - we live in a Constitutional Republic and while we vote it our form of government absolutely is not a democracy) that Trump did an excellent job for our country and our people the first time around (their were no Nazi death camps, no antisemitism spewed by Trump, no crime wave, no super high gas prices, no million and millions of illegal aliens invading our economy and burdening our economy, no failing economy, no wars in the world or at least no major ones as there are now in the world as there are in Middle East and in Ukraine/Russia, no drain on our economy caused by giving hundreds of billions of dollars to other countries to fight there wars, no shortage of FEMA funds to assist our own citizens and legal resident aliens whose homes were devastate by hurricanes (all as there are now and have been under the Biden/Harris administration), no super high prices at the gas pump making everything else go up in price, and the list goes on. The truth is that the great majority of things, if not all, that Harris has said negatively about Trump's presidency, her allegations about his lack of accomplishments are evidently blatantly false. Don't vote with your emotions - vote with your intelligence. 
I urge you to vote. I urge you to vote for candidate Donald Trump for president - he most certainly will do his best to make the United States of America great again for every citizen and legal resident alien just as he did before. I also urge you to vote for Republican or conservative candidates for Congress.
By the way I am not affiliated with any politically party - I am registered as an independent voter and I know which party does the much better job for this nation and had done so for decades. Vote and please vote with your brain and logic for what is best for this country.
All the best,
Glenn B