For the most part, I am neither a fan nor a detractor of the Colt 1911. I don't own one but I readily admit I would like one.
With that said, allow me to point out it is one fine American Pistol. There was probably no other pistol so well associated with United States military strength as was (and probably as still is) the Colt 1911. Based upon that honor and upon how many of our service members have carried and shot them, I would be remiss as a gun guy, supporter of our military, and somewhat of a history buff if I did not tell you all that:
It held that honor for many years until it was pretty much replaced by the Beretta M9 about 25 or so years ago. The Beretta, though an excellent pistol, shoots the measly 9mm pea-shooter round. The Colt 1911 shoots the venerable .45ACP, and you can bet it packs a wallop. I am pretty sure many of our wartime enemies could attest to that. It was and remains a great pistol among the great pistols of the world. My hat goes off to John M. Browning for designing it and to Colt for manufacturing it and to the U.S. Army for arming our soldiers with it once upon a time in history.
All the best,
Glenn B