Wednesday, January 31, 2024
What Victim Is This DA Talking About Supporting?
Tuesday, January 30, 2024
Happy 91st Anniversary To, Well To - Who Was That Masked Man
Yes that was the question many asked: "Who was that masked man"! If you are as old as me or older, you know he was the Lone Ranger. As the legend goes, he was one of six Texas Rangers gunned down by outlaws but he survived. While he lay wounded, he was found by an Indian whom he had nursed to health years before. The Indian, named Tonto (first heard in episode 11 of the radio show - to give the ranger someone to talk to, to add dialogue), took the ranger to a cave and nursed him to health. When the ranger was well enough to ask what happened to his ranger commrades, Tonto showed him their graves and replied: "You only ranger left. You Lone Ranger". With that a legend was born.
From January 30, 1933 onward for about 20 years or so, starting long before television, there were over 3,000 radio shows featuring that masked man and his faithful companion Tonto. The Lone Ranger on his lightning fast steed Silver, firing silver bullets from his revolver and shouting out Hi-Yo Silver became an image branded into the minds of American youth beginning in September 1949 with the opening of the Lone Ranger television series. The Lone Ranger and Tonto were the original all American inter-racial crime fighting team.The series, starring Clayton Moore (for the great majority of TV episodes, he missed only one year when seeking better pay) and Jay Silverheels ran through 1957. (More at the source.)
It probably was my favorite television show when I was a youngster. My pre-teen young self never knew I was watching reruns (I may have watched before reruns but was too young to remember that) but it did not matter. I was enchanted and enthralled, reruns or not. The Lone Ranger and Tonto likely had strong enough influence on me that decades later, I became a lawman, loved the West (where I worked during several months long details) and thus was lucky enough to live what I had dreamed of being when I was a child, just without a horse.
One of the most special things about the Lone Ranger was his partnership with Tonto, a native American. Most fiction and historical depictions of Indians at the time showed them as the bad guys or as hopeless wild and ruthless savages. Another thing that was very special was what the shows planted in the minds of children, a code of morality and ethics that is hard to beat. That was the Lone Ranger Creed. It would be a good thing to teach your children today in words and by living it yourselves no matter your race, creed or culture:
"I believe...
That to have a friend, a man must be one.
That all men are created equal and that everyone has within himself the power to make this a better world.
That God put the firewood there but that every man must gather and light it himself.
In being prepared physically, mentally, and morally to fight when necessary for that which is right.
That a man should make the most of what equipment he has.
That 'This government, of the people, by the people and for the people' shall live always.
That men should live by the rule of what is best for the greatest number.
That sooner or later ... somewhere ... somehow ... we must settle with the world and make payment for what we have taken.
That all things change but truth, and that truth alone, lives on forever.
In my Creator, my country, my fellow man."
There was more to the Lone Ranger than his creed. The creators of the character set guidelines for his actions, these may not be as well known as his creed but I assure you that they put how Hollywood heroes are portrayed today to shame. These guidelines as to how he was to be portrayed would be an amazing find in a current fictional or even in a real hero today, they were:
The Lone Ranger is never shown without his mask or some sort of disguise.
With emphasis on logic, The Lone Ranger is never captured or held for any length of time by lawmen, avoiding his being unmasked.
At all times, The Lone Ranger uses perfect grammar and precise speech completely devoid of slang and colloquial phrases.
Whenever he has to use guns, The Lone Ranger never shoots to kill, but rather only to disarm his opponent as painlessly as possible.
Logically, too, The Lone Ranger never wins against hopeless odds; i.e., he is never seen escaping from a barrage of bullets merely by riding into the horizon.
Even though The Lone Ranger offers his aid to individuals or small groups, the ultimate objective of his story is to imply that their benefit is only a by-product of a greater achievement -- the development of the West or our Country. His adversaries are usually groups whose power is such that large areas are at stake.
All adversaries are American to avoid criticism from minority groups.
Names of unsympathetic characters are carefully chosen, avoiding the use of two names as much as possible to avoid even further vicarious association. More often than not, a single nickname is selected.
Criminals are never shown in unenviable positions of wealth or power, and they never appear as either successful or glamourous.
The Lone Ranger does not drink or smoke, and saloon scenes are usually interpreted as cafes with waiters and food instead of bartenders and liquor.(Source.)
That creed & those guidelines seem an impossibilty in a Hollywood, literary or even a real life idol or hero today and seem at best, difficult for any parent to attain. Yet, striving to fullfill at least most, if not all of them, would make for better parents, better kids and a better America.
To me, when I was a child, Clayton Moore was 'The Lone Ranger', in other words not an actor but a true hero. That has not changed much today because while I aam old enough now to understand the diffetence, it was Clayton Moore who brought the Lone Ranger to life and who instilled in me his creed and the desire to be like the Lone Ranger when I grew up. I had many other fictional and real life heros but none quite like him. There is nothing like living out your dreams and Clayton Moore, whose dream was to be portrayed as a hero in western films, knew it well, as can been when you read what he said: "Nothing is as thrilling as having a dream come true — and I enjoyed every minute of it.” (Source of the quote and more about Moore.) He wore the trademark white hat and black mask years after the series ended until a lawsuit by Hollywood scum made him cease doing it but in the mid 1980's he won an appeal and wore them again in many appearances.
I wound up living out my dream too. I thank him for giving me a dream that eventually came true for me if only because of him actually being my childhood hero - The Lone Ranger. RIP sir!
All the best,
Glenn B
Friday, January 26, 2024
Biden Well On His Way To Causing A Civil War
Thursday, January 25, 2024
This Song Is About What Will HAppen Sooner Or Later - I've Been Expecting It Since The Late 1950s Or Early 60s!
Tuesday, January 23, 2024
Trump Won New Hampshire According to OANN
Sunday, January 21, 2024
Open Carry Or Concealed
Saturday, January 20, 2024
Beaten To Death As Bystanders Merely Watched Him Be Killed
A man, who as delivering firewood to a house, was beaten to death by a naked man who had grabbed a piece of the firewood to use as a weapon and then attacked the victim. Another man, apparently the resident of the home, reportedly ran away and into his house after also being attacked but did little more, if anything, to help, than remain inside the house and call 911 (more at the source).
Friday, January 19, 2024
Something Of Interest For The Beretta 92FS Owner
That is quite the informative chart regarding the Beretta 92 series of pistols. Credit for that evidently goes to Lucky Gunner. As for copyright, if there is one, and being I am a certified firearms instructor, this is being freely used solely for educational purposes to educate my readers, some of who are interested in learning about firearms in general and others who specifically may desire to learn about the Beretta 92 series pistols.
Thursday, January 18, 2024
Something Of Interest For The Colt Detective Special Owner
If you have been reading my
blog for a good amount of time, you probably noticed a post or two about my two
Colt Detective Special revolvers - one current and one that I sold. I love the
one I have now; I kind of sort of, definitely liked them a lot during my time
in the Border Patrol. Wanted one badly but never got around to buying one until
I bid on one at a live in person auction at the Hessney Auction Co.'s
auction-house in Geneva, NY back in February 2018. That one burned just a
couple of dollars less than $385.00 out of my pocket. It happened to be the
first issue (version) as later authenticated by the Colt Archives and I think
from the very first year of production as I recall. Great price you'd think.
The thing is it was nice in every regard excepting one. Someone had ground down
the front sight thus making it nearly useless for aimed shots at much passed 10
yards or 15 yards. Well, there was one other thing about it that was no so
grand, actually something that was more about me than it. I had been the boob
to buy it at an auction after examining it but never noticing the front sight
issue! So, once I realized my blunder, I sold it and luckily it sold for only a
fairly minor loss; well I lost out totally when getting that archive letter from
Colt - that added $75.00 or so to the cost of it on the whole. Anyway I
informed the buyer about the front sight and she did not give a hoot because it
was still a great price for her and was supposedly going to be a gift for her
son. She by the way was a dealer at a gun show wherein I sold it. Sadly, later
that night, it turned out that - Once upon a midnight dreary, as I pondered weak and weary over many quaint
and curious sale of guns of lore (my apologies to one of the greatest writers of all time Edgar Allan
Poe) - I suffered seller's remorse. That was regardless of me
doing okay by getting rid of it at only a small loss. Things wound up, as they
often do, resulting in me not seeing another nice one at a decent price for quite a while
after selling that one.Thus the seller's remorse got worse as time went on but
the fire was still burning in my psyche and I knew I'd someday have
another. Let me add, with more apologies to Edgar Allan Poe, I had no
fear that: On the morrow my desire will leave me, as my Hopes have flown
before; and lucky for me there was no Raven to quoth who told me Nevermore.
Believe me, I am at the age now at which I have missed lots of things in life
wherein the Raven has or would have spoken the word Nevermore - opportunities lost mostly and
dear friends gone to whatever comes, if anything, after life.
Then, in September 2023, I picked up
another Detective Special from the same auction house, that time via an online auction. The
second one looked really fine in the auction photos but they are sometimes not
that clear. So, as I usually do, I also inquired of Joe Hessney, the
auctioneer, as to the condition. He told me it looked like new and maybe was
unfired. (At Hessney they only list a gun as unfired when they know it is new,
as I understand; so, even though not listed as unfired, Joe told me it looked
to be possible.) When I ran the serial number through the Colt serial number
lookup, I was delighted to find out it was the 2nd issue and was manufactured
in 1955.
So, it coincidentally was a second issue of the original one I had had (which was a first issue & first year gun) and it had been manufactured in 1955. Therein those numbers though, "2nd" issue and "1955" was/is a greater coincidence than my 2nd one being a 2nd version. You see, I am the 2nd son/child in my family and I was born in 1955. You could have safely bet, back when I first saw it up for auction, that I'd bid more than it was worth to get it if necessary. I wanted to kill that seller's remorse over the first one and snuff out the desire to get another. That was especially true after hat Joe had told me about its condition. So I bid on it and when bidding was over I paid for it.
It cost me a $650 bid, a 13% buyer's
premium on top of the bid and about $60.00 to have it shipped and get an FFL
holder to transfer it my hands as mine. It felt like this, and again my
apologies again to Poe who is one of my favorite authors and the creator of the
modern detective story. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes
stories came about 4.5 decades later and I think definitely were spawned & strongly
influenced by Poe's detective C. Auguste Dupin who first appeared in The Murders in theMorgue, The Mystery of Marie Roget and The Purloined Letter.
If you like mysteries, detective stories and especially Shelock Holmes stories but have never read any of
these by EAP - all I can say is read them. There are many works of Edgar Allan Poe
that are great works of literature but I consider his detective stories among his very
best works of prose if not his very best among all of his literary works.
I have digressed so, allow me to
continue with the Colt Detective Special.The total was just under $800.00 - quite a lot more than the first
one I had bought. Still it was not a bad price and I'd bet C. Auguste Dupin would have
carried one at any price. Out of a total of five 2nd
issue Detective Specials, that have sold on GunBroker over the past year (I
checked as writing this), the low price was $545.00 for a nickel model that
looked really nice and the high price was $1,425.00 for a blued version, one that probably had
been fired judging by a slight cylinder ring evident in its photos and I do
mean slight but it definitely was present. The average sales price of all five
was $812.80 - very close to the total I paid at just under $800 shipped and
including FFL transfer. Those sold on GunBroker would also add shipping and an FFL fee
unless the buyer as an FFL holder and did not have to pay the transfer fee.
Either way the average price probably went up around $40 when you add shipping.
While my deal was not great, it was very close to average sales price or so it seems.
With it and me both being 2nd sons
& having been born in the same year (so to speak), can you fault me for paying as much as
I did! I certainly cannot fault myself. I have zero buyer's remorse, in fact, I
am quite happy with it. I have taken it to the range and it shoots liked it is
enchanted - it could be a real zombie, orangutan (read those Poe detective mysteries to see why I included an ape) or criminal dirtbag (of course only in legal
self-defense or legal defense of another situations). It's a blast at the range
to say the least.
Liking it as I do, I still will
readily admit, I only know a little about Colt Detective Specials but I do know
they were the spawn of the Police Positive Special and with their barrel cut down
to 2" from the 4" barrel, the shortest of the Police Positive models, Colt decided to give them the
new & innovative name of Detective Special. They were a huge hit
immediately once they became available and were referred to as "the cop
gun" because so many officers & detectives had them. They have gone
through several changes over the years; mostly all I know about the changes is that
decades ago there were some major changes with a larger grip longer and ramped
front sight, shrouded ejector and so on and there were also earlier changes to it when evolving from the 1st issue to the 2nd issue. I kind of like those older ones
better than the latest issue, maybe because I am old and nostalgic about them
but also because there is an aura, a mystique, about them after seeing them
used in films noir and in TV detective series of my childhood like Mannix.
Damn, just seeing them for sale and wanting one but never at a price I was
willing or able to pay drove me crazy. Well except for the great deal like I'd
gotten on my first one but then again, now we all know why that one was such
a deal.
Speaking of what we now know, do you
know a lot about the Colt Detective Special? That is if you already own one or
more or otherwise have an interest in them even if you don't own one. If you do
own one or are possibly interested in finding one to purchase or barter with
for yourself, or are simply interested in the history of revolvers - you may
want to read the article that can be found via this link.
The article quite aptly is simply named Detective Special and the site on which
it appears is Colt Fever. com. I'd never heard of the article or the site until
this evening when reading a post in Texas Gun Talk (an online firearms forum).
I am happy that I read the relative post because now I know about the article.
I read a bit of the article so far and must say it looked interesting &
informative enough to make me realize I should pass on information about it so
others could gain from the knowledge it seemingly has to share. Just in case
the above link does not work for you, here is the web address in case you need to copy & paste it:
Enjoy the article: Detective Special and enjoy the works of Edgar Allan Poe, especially those three detective stories. Sadly he wrote no more of them before he was Nevermore.
Tuesday, January 16, 2024
Fox News - Who Else Is Sick of...
...having to enter your email address, then needing to check your email to log into Fox, before you can read article they have selected to require entering it? I am a registered user of Fox New but even if I am signed on to it, Fox is requiring me (and I suppose everyone else) to enter your email address, then wait for an email, then sign onto Fox from a link in the email before you are allowed to read many articles on their site. Their site for them to do as they please but if this continues they will be losing me as a reader because it is my time to do as I please and it does not please me to have to enter my email address and log in from my email when I want to read an article. They sometimes, though not usually, have required it over and over again during a single session on their site. So sometimes I enter my email, log into my email and sign in via the link they sent me, then I get to read the article, read a few more and suddenly I have found find myself at yet another article again requiring me to do it all over again to read that new one. Kind of a pain in the butt. The last time I checked: One America News Network does not require any such ridiculous nonsense. This is more or less how it looks:
"Read this article for free!
Sunday, January 14, 2024
The Honeymooners - Now They Are All Gone & All Missed
Joyce Randolph, who played Trixie Norton on the classic workingman's comedy The Honeymooners, has passed onto the great beyond at age 99. Jackie Gleason who played Ralph Kramden, Art Carney who played Ed Norton and arguably my all time favorite TV wife Alice Kramden who was played by Audrey Meadows all preceded her.
![]() |
That is Joyce Randolph to the viewers right. |
The Honeymooners (the actual TV show, not including the shorts from the Jackie Gleason show that started it all) is truly a timeless classic. If humanity survives another thousand years and still has something akin to television, then people will watch reruns of The Honeymooners at least that far into and likely further than that into the future. If you are too young to know what I mean or just have never seen it, search out the show online or on cable to see if you can watch it. It was unbelievably only a one season show in 1955 and consisted of 39 weekly episodes; seasons actually went from September or October through May or June back then.
It is as funny as anything I have ever watched on TV, and in fact funnier than 99.9% of all other comedies ever in my opinion. It is hard to believe they cancelled it and I do not hesitate to guess that the network, producers and cast all regretted it was cancelled based on how long it's been making folks laugh. Damn, it is as old as me and that's not young.
Note, the first few or several episodes (known as the lost episodes) had a different actress portray Alice. She in no way compared to Audrey Meadows, not to say she was not a good actress - they just were two very different types in character as Alice. Either would have made the show funny, but the ultimate cast of Gleason, Meadows, Carney and Randolph made it not only hilarious but immortal as well.
My condolences to the family, loved ones, friends and fans of Joyce Randolph. RIP.
While I Am THE Great Procrastinator - I Do Somethings Pretty Fast
Thursday, January 11, 2024
Undoubtedly Good Advice For Our Citizens As Well...
"For a nation for whom peace has been a pleasant companion for almost 210 years, the idea that it is an immoveable constant is conveniently close at hand," Swedish Civil Defense Minister Carl-Oskar Bohlin said..."
"But taking comfort in this conclusion has become more dangerous than it has been for a very long time"
"Many have said it before me, but let me do so in an official capacity, more plainly and with naked clarity: There could be war in Sweden."
More at the source.
So the Swedes reportedly have gone berserk buying everything imaginable, to make preparations for war, clearing the shelves in some stores. Sounds like the bread, eggs and milk buyers here at home when a snowstorm or hurricane is approaching. I think everyone should have a decent level of preparedness meaning at least a months supply of food and water (or water filters). I have my own, and a bunch for my dog (time to get more canned and dry foods for her), I don't really know how long it could last us but I figure at the very least a month - probably a good deal longer like two or three. Of course, I also have some medical supplies, probably not near enough of them but some. In addition I have personal protective gear like gas masks & filters (20 year expiration masks are my latest), full body protective suits, gloves. Then there is the other stuff like: compasses, batteries, candles, plenty of matches, fire-starters, water purification straws, tools, knives, guns & ammo, gun maintenance supplies, gold & silver bullion, a grab & go bag in the event I've gotta get out of here fast, and so on.
I never wanted to be a boy scout, especially after getting kicked out of Cub Scouts (bit of a problem child was I) but I have almost always liked their motto: "Be prepared".
There is wisdom in those two words - lots of it. What they do not mention is that the time to prepare usually is long before you need the things that are necessary to achieve being prepared.