Over the past three weeks or so, I have applied for about 15 jobs (maybe even 20). I heard back from one, they said I was not qualified for some reason or another that they had not listed as a requirement in the announcement for the position but mentioned when they said I did not have the qualifications (truthfully, I was over qualified for that one). I also got called in for a single interview. Not a word was forthcoming from anyplace else where I applied.
As for the interview, that took place yesterday. I got a haircut the day before to make sure I looked very presentable @ $20.00. Yesterday, I got up at 0600 and donned a conservative dark gray suit, a white dress shirt, and nice conservative tie. I was out of the house at 8 and walked a mile to the Long Island Rail Road from where I took a train into Manhattan. The one way ticket was $11.50. When I got to Penn Station, I took the NYC subway downtown to the appropriate stop, another $2.50or maybe $2.75. I
arrived at the interview location about 10 minutes early. I went to the third floor as instructed and was escorted to the second floor - go figure. I waited in the interview room for about 5 to 7 minutes. I was interviewed by two women for a grand total of 4 minutes at most, maybe it was only 3 minutes. I was not asked for either my résumé nor my armed guard license nor my pistol license - all of which it was highly stressed I bring with me. I was told about several openings in NY City but not one word about the job that I had put in for on Long Island. The available jobs were not even the same as the one for which I had applied. Then I was told that if the boss was interested in me, I would be called back for another interview. I graciously said thanks, told them to have a nice day and a nice weekend, and left.
On the way out, I was approached in the hallway by a black lab that had been roaming the office. It was sniffing at me intently. I said hi to the dog and stopped to see if it was amenable to being petted. It was not, it just sniffed a bit more and turned away. The interview was for an armed security job, one of the jobs they offered me was as a canine officer to handle a bomb sniffing dog that I would have to shelter in my home. I guess the lab hit on the Glock 26 I had on my hip but who knows, maybe it was just curious as to who was the guy in the suit on a 90+ degree day. I just told the dog to have a nice day and walked out the door. I really meant it when I said it to the dog. I do not expect to hear from them again about a job offer.
I had to pay another $2.50 or $2.75 for the subway, another $8 and change for the LIRR (an off peak ticket as opposed to a peak ticket on the inbound trip) and went home but only after having lunch with a former co-worker and friend. Lunch with my pal was enjoyable, we had a lot of catching up to do. I am very happy I decided to call him to see if he was in his office and available for lunch.
About the interview: I have to wonder, why the fuck did I even bother calling them back to arrange it. It seems to have been a waster of money and time. My guess is they thought I was too old but who can tell. Even their fucking black lab was not very friendly. Anyway, I am still looking for a new job.
All the best,
Glenn B