Thursday, October 29, 2020

It Would Be Amazing...

 ...if before Tuesday (election day) one or more states had enough votes cast by its registered voters to determine who won that state in the election for the presidency. It certainly ought to be something if not easily figured out then certainly possible to determine if enough votes were cast & tallied for one or the other so that the remaining number of votes, even if all of them went to the guy with less votes, were not enough to help him.

Just imagine the storm of shit balderdash that would cause within the media and among the politicians & other talking heads who believe themselves know it all pundits. It would be very interesting to say the least.

All the best,
Glenn B

If This Is True - We May Be In For Some Interesting Times

Go to the link and read about these two books:

Baron Trump’s Marvellous (sic) Underground Journey (supposedly published in 1893)

1900 Or The Last President (supposedly published 1896)

As the article about them says, they boggle the mind (at least if it's true that these books exist, are genuinely from the 1800s and that their story line is as it says in that article). Go to this link and be amazed or not. It's got to be be a hoax - doesn't it - but if it's not and if it's for real then it is absolutely amazing!

All the best,
Glenn B