Saturday, February 4, 2017

Winchester Serialization Made Easier

There I was tonight, and still am, going over the catalogued offerings for the upcoming Hessney Rod & Gun auction of next weekend. They include the serial number of each gun listed in the auction catalogue. That comes in handy as the value and characteristics of some firearms can vary tremendously depending on which year the gun was manufactured. I looked up a few Winchester rifles on which I am considering placing bids and found one site with a large list of models and their serial numbers along with dates of manufacture that correspond to the serial numbers. That was the "Winchester Firearms Manufacturing Dates by Serial Number and Year 1866 through the early 1990s", a PDF file. Yet, that was somewhat of a pain to go through and also was incomplete. For instance, they did not list a Winchester Model 75 Target. So, I searched some more.
I found the website of the Winchester Arms Collectors Association or at least one of their web pages. It was just the one I needed, the When Was Your Winchester Made page. On that page you can input the model Winchester you are checking, then enter its serial number and up pops the date of manufacture. That was easy. Now I cannot speak to its validity nor to its reliability but can say that if you are a Winchester enthusiast, collector or just are checking on the date of manufacture of a single Winchester you own - it may be worth trying this site but I must point out that I do not think they, like the PDF, have info for all models as I could not find the model 9422 on that page. Between both of them though, I was able to find the year of manufacture for the four Winchesters I checked.

All the best,
Glenn B

Schaeffer's New Zealand Style Deck Sealant

I got to thinking about this video while I was painting my basement floor with patio and deck paint. The accent leaves a little to the imagination, for those with minds in the gutter, but not much. Enjoy it.

All the best,

Presidential Authority To Suspend Entry Of Aliens

Why is it that - after many, many, many presidents (both Democrat and Republican) having done so legally, under the authority granted to them by the Immigration & Nationality Act, (INA) to bar aliens from entering the United States whom they have found to be detrimental to our interests - all of a sudden certain judges totally disregard that law and have found that Donald Trump is somehow in violation of the Constitution for doing exactly the same as other presidents have done before him? The only thing I can think of is that the judges are leftists and are trying to impose their leftist leaning on the rest of America for what I suspect are their purely political agendas or maybe also to garner their own 15 minutes of fame.
If you do not believe me that such is and has been legal authority of the president, for a very long time, then go to this link and read about it there:
If you do not believe that, then look up the INA itself and read it therein.
All the best,
Glenn B

An Experiment In Painting

I took up a brush today to dabble in the arts (so to speak) and began painting my basement floor. Since I have a decent amount of furniture, a refrigerator, shelving and other old and in the way (enjoy that) junk down there, I decided to do only a small portion at a time. There was another reason as well; I was none too sure the floor will hold the paint very well. Just got done with a small strip about 3 to 4 feet wide and across the room, maybe 15 feet. I can see already that it will definitely need a second coat but it seems to have adhered well so far so I hope a second coat will do as well. In about 4 hours or so, I will lay on a second one.

If that looks good once dried, then I will move the fridge an desk back in place atop that section tomorrow or tonight and move enough of the things around down there to commence on the remainder of what will then amount to getting half of the floor covered. If that half comes out okay, then it will have to be decided if I do the remaining half of the room or put down linoleum on the other half. I figure I will paint that too but not sure yet. Whether or not I paint it all or put down half paint and half linoleum, I am going to put down some area rugs;. No more carpeting for us in the basement since our male Chihuahua loves to spritz to mark his territory and I and tired of trying to clean the carpet by renting a carpet cleaner at Homer's Terminal. I want something I can roll up, bring outside to my patio and spray down with a hose to clean. Thus the area rugs idea.

Now it is pretty much a waiting for the paint to dry kind of a thing and listening to the rest of the Old And In The Way album that I linked to above.

Later 4 U,