At least I hope it is going to be one and getting me, Brendan, some of my cash and maybe some of his cash to Big Al's Gun and Premier Knife Show is exactly what I have planned for this coming Sunday. Brendan and I will be driving up to Danbury hoping to make it there by 10 or 10:30 at the latest. We will be meeting a good friend up that way, someone who retired from my job some years back, whom I always look forward to seeing. That will make it an even better day than just us going it alone.
Since I have a tidy little sum of cash on the side for just such an event, I may just have to pick up a new and interesting firearm. Maybe a bolt action rifle in .308 caliber. Brendan was saying it would be nice to have a bolt action in that caliber - I guess he has been reading his copies of the NRA's American Hunter and my copies of the American Rifleman. He may have even read a recent edition of Outdoor Life that I picked up when having to commute back and forth to work via the Long Island Rail Road for a few days a couple of weeks back. Great reading while zipping through the greater NY metro area with someone else driving and all the other nearby commuters looking at the guy reading about rifles. I have to dig that one out of its hiding place before the weekend, it had a great article on bolt action rifles new for this year. If I see more than one of the choices I liked at the coming show it may become very difficult for me to make up my mind as to which one I want. In that regard I am sure Brendan will have his say. Yeah, I know I will be buying it, but you can bet we will both be shooting it, and someday he will inherit it.
Gotta go and look for that edition of Outdoor Life. Later for you....
All the best,