...sometimes, like today. I am still working on getting in a new front lawn. I was on my hands and knees for about 2 1/2 hours today, with a little garden hand shovel, digging up and pulling out roots. I only got about 1/2 of it done in that time. In a few minutes, I am going back out and will continue pulling out roots.
I don't think this is hurting any of the trees whose roots are being mauled by me. Last time I did this, it did not harm any of them despite the roots getting torn out; although, I think I heard a few subtle screams as I did it (can screams be subtle -sure they can if they are coming from trees). I may have heard one or two of those subtle screams today and some other moans and groans too. I am pretty sure the Evergreen let out a moan and a groan. The Linden Tree had maybe a scream or two escape it and the Japanese Maple was pretty quiet, they endure pain well.
My knees and back are aching a bit, so no more crawling around on my hands and knees with that tiny shovel, to loosen the soil and roots. I am going to use the pitchfork instead. Of course, I will have to get down on my knees to pull out the roots once I get em loosened up a bit with the pitchfork but it will be easier and go faster with the pitchfork - just maybe not as good a job. Whatever, it will be good enough for me and hopefully for the new grass. I hope to get it seeded this evening, otherwise during the week. We will see.
Just in case anyone was wondering, I went to Home Depot yesterday to rent a roto-tiller. Even the smallest one they had would not fit in the trunk of my Corolla. Thus, I have been doing it by hand. If I had rented one of them, the job would have been completed and the lawn seeded, all within an hour. Oh well, I need the exercise.
All the best,