Monday, May 19, 2008

Down To The Final 4...

...firearms qualifications at my job. Well that is the way it looks right now since I am planning on retiring in July 2009. I had figured January 2009, but financial concerns will have me staying on until July. If things do not change too much, and if it looks like our economy will hold its own so I can get another job after I retire from my career as a federal LEO, then today's firearms qualifications will be first of the final 4 I will enjoy as a shooter. I miss too the days when I was also an instructor, but those ended several years ago. Oh well, even if these come to an end, I am pretty sure I will be at the range on a fairly regular basis to keep my hand in it so to speak.

I guess being that close to retirement means it is time to start saving for the retirement carry piece. I am thinking of an HK of one model or another. Fifteen bucks a week sounds about right. I will have to start brown bagging my lunches, and saving my change.

All the best,
Glenn B

An Open Apology

It seems I may have inadvertently offended Xavier with my below post:

It was never my intent to belittle his creed, nor opinion, nor to insult him in any manner. If there was a perceived insult within my words, please allow me to assure Xavier and the rest of you, that such was totally unintentional on my part. I wrote what I did as a discussion of Xavier's piece, and as an expression of my opinion about carrying of firearms, and I would hope it is viewed as nothing more that that. For any insult that was taken, or if my blog somehow conveyed to anyone that I was being disrespectful, I do apologize.

To make sure I am understood, I am apologizing for my words allowing for an apparent perceived insult or perceived lack of respect; I am not apologizing for my discussion of the creed, nor am I saying that my opinion expressed in my reply has changed; and it is a sincere apology - absolutely no disrespect was intended.

All the best,
Glenn B