The picture's main subject was something else entirely in the upper third of the original photo, that part has been cropped out of the shots I am showing here. As I looked over the original, I saw something that intrigued me so I zoomed in some to take a closer look.
In this first shot, only the upper third of the original photo is missing, it is unimportant except to give some idea of scale; the part in the cropped phot that is of interest to me was about 20" or so across. The area in question is the oval shape about 1/3 of the way up from the bottom in this cropped version. Do you see anything in that area? Click on the pic to enlarge it, look again.
A deer I was watching was heading right for that
spot as if curious about something in that area.
Here is a closer view, pretty much just the oval area. Do you see something of interest now. maybe it is just my imagination but I see something I never expected to see. Maybe just the shadows and light playing tricks or maybe there are a few surprises there. Again, click to enlarge.
I know, the picture quality is terrible, there was not enough light for
a good quality shot; but if you click it to big it you may see whatever
it is that I certainly think I see. Do you see them? |
Here is the same shot, with the contrast adjusted a bit, maybe it will help.
A bit of contrast was added. See them now? |
What I see, or at least what my imagination makes me think I see, are at least five dogs, four of them puppies and maybe one older although it too could be a puppy. The heads are the most visible thing on four of them but I will be damned if each I am seeing does not have the proper anatomical proportions and seem to have eyes, muzzle, snout and ears and on one it seems I can make out the forelegs, on another the whole body and its head & right legs. Now the imagination is a wonderful and wild thing but damn I'd swear I see them.
Nope, I have not been smoking any whacky weed nor taking any mind bending meds nor drinking. Use your imaginations a bit and you may see them too.
All the best,
Glenn B