My hotel is about 31 or 32 miles from Cabela's, so how could anyone blame me for driving there last night! Of course, once I was there, how could I not buy at least something. Well, really it would have been easy not to buy a thing but I bought some stuff anyway. I picked up 3 shirts for myself. I think they are called golf shirts or are they polo shirts? Whatever hey are called, I got three of them, all long tailed (good to cover the pistol when carrying), and they were only $11.00 each. A good deal. I also picked up a magazine for my Ruger MKII, got a t-shirt for my son and picked a container of candied nuts for my wife (to placate her just in case she winds up being the one person to blame me for going to Cabela's last night). Since i did not see anything I thought my daughter would like, I had better get something for her somewhere else or I will really be in the doghouse when I get home.
As for today, we started the NRA training at 0800 and got finished up around 2200. It was a long day so no ore blogging for me tonight. I have got to crawl under the sheets to get some sleep because I have to be back in the classroom tomorrow at 0800.
All the best,
Glenn B