Thursday, September 10, 2015

It's 9/11...

...let's all take some time today to remember the fallen and recall what happened on this day. Never forget.

All the best,
 Glenn B

PS: While I was specifically referring to 09/11/2001 above, let's not forget what happened and those lost to us on this date in 2012 either.

Kilted To Kick Cancer - Day 10

One third of the kilted  month through and I am getting used to them. I even kind of, sort of, just about like em. I have been doing almost everything kilted except sleep and take a shower.

I just looked at the team standings via the link on the homepage of
and saw that team Glenn B is in 4th place with $415 in donations. Thank you to all who have donated through Team Glenn B so far but more importantly who donated to the fight against prostate cancer.

All the best,