Tuesday, February 28, 2017

I'm Betting Unions & Politicians Will Balme It On Everyone But Themselves

The 'it' being the dismal failure of union pension funds that is affecting thousands of retired teamsters in NY state (and will soon probably affect thousands if not tens of thousands in other states). Regardless of written promises that their pensions were safe, thousands of retied teamsters in NY have received notices that their pensions have been being drastically cut.

Imagine trying to live on $3,479 a month in one of the most expensive states, if not the most expensive state, in the USA. Then imagine your pension being cut by more than 1/3 to $2,000 a month just one year ago. It just got worse. This month everything reportedly changed again when the pension was turned over to a government guaranty corporation. Those pensioners now reportedly can expect to receive about $1,170 a month. That is $14,040 per year - hell, illegal aliens working shadow jobs make more than that and those on welfare are probably much better off because they don't need to pay income taxes; yet, the retired teamsters do have to pay them. Those figures just quoted are the case of Ray Navarez, a former truck driver but thousands of other teamsters are in the same financial shape after the pension fund failed. Others are in worse shape:

"Ex-trucker Edward Hernandez, 67, went from $2,422 a month to $1,465 last year. As of this month, his gross check is $902. After federal taxes, it’s $721 — but he still has to pay state and city taxes." (That $902 is $10,824 gross per year and would work out to $5.20 an hour based ion a 40 hour work week.)

Some of the retired teamsters have had to sell their homes and at least one is collecting cans and bottles to get the 5 cent deposit money for each one! I would guess more will soon be doing likewise. That, by the way, is only the tip of the iceberg. It is feared that other union pension plans across the USA will soon suffer similar fates and that municipal and state funded pensions will be soon to follow.

More here: http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/n-y-retirees-struggle-survive-pension-fund-bottoms-article-1.2982399

This is the shit that liberal and even conservative politicians have caused with their political shenanigans and their forcing unions upon the workers of America. It is my bet that while union pension plans are suffering, those who control the unions are still sucking in big pay checks and pensions but as I said that is my guess. It will be likewise if government pensions fail. Those in power will still be raking in the big bucks while more pensioners have to sell their homes to survive if they are unable to return to the workforce. I have always considered unions much the same as government - both being breeding grounds for incompetence.

All the best,
Glenn B

Maybe She Really Is Black..

...and maybe she is not but now she may be on her way to being a homeless bum. 

"Rachel Dolezal, the infamous white woman who for years passed herself off as African American and rose to become head of an NAACP branch, is now jobless, on food stamps and expects to soon be homeless." (Source.)

If she is not black, she seemingly is trying her damnedest to fit the racial stereotype that the NAACP has tried for decades to end. Oh the irony.

All the best,
Glenn B

What's Your Super Power

I like it.

All the best,


Sunday, February 26, 2017

Leftists Are Insidious...

...and I believe they are here stirring the melting pot and trying to get it not just to boil over but to explode. Take for example the call for a March 8th strike by the woman of the USA. A massive and possibly militant strike is being planned against not only Republicans like President Donald Trump but against liberals as well (source). In other words - it is in essence a strike against all of us or in my opinion a call for anarchy and disruption with the ultimate intent of toppling the government.

According to this NY Post article, among the reported co-authors of the call are Angela Davis (reportedly a former member of the Communist Party USA - source), Tithi Bhattacharya (who reportedly has praised Maosim - source the same NY Post article) and Rasmea Yousef Odeh (a convicted terrorist who allegedly fraudulently gained U.S. citizenship - source).

A revolution in this country may be coming sooner than expected my friends - and I believe it may soon come to pass that these and others may attempt to overthrow our Constitutional Republic by any means possible, including violent ones. At the very least - I think we should expect them to make further attempts to destroy what unity there is among us and that they will, in my belief, almost undoubtedly resort to violent means in their continued attempts to do so. I think we need to be prepared to defend ourselves and our country by any legal means. Stay vigilant, stay safe and remain at the ready.

All the best,
Glenn B

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Work Tomorrow

I have to work tomorrow, which is something I have not done all week at least at a job where someone pays me. Being on call part time can be okay but it can suck too because sometimes I will have had other things planned when I get that last minute call-in. I can always say I am not available and I kind of hoped to be off tomorrow but truth be told I don't want to do that too many times . I can use the cash now anyway.

One excellent thing about working tomorrow, it means I get at least partial pay for the holiday this past Monday. I have to work both at least a partial week the week before the holiday and at least one day the week of the holiday to get any holiday pay. That pay is then based on how many days I worked the week before. I worked two days last week. So, instead of getting three days pay for what will have been the past two weeks (once tomorrow is over), I will get three days plus probably at least a half day's pay for the holiday. Not a bad deal and as I said I can use the money. It will help make up for the money I spent on the Marlin 1936 (and the ammo for it) that I bought a couple of weeks ago.

All the best,

I Truly Have Been Honored and...

...have had a smile put on my face all by a few sentences someone wrote about a YouTube video I posted:

"Thank God i saw this, I have seen several reassembly videos and they don't convey the right way to do it. I finally got it together after struggling for a couple of days on and off. Great video and a genuine service for humanity. 10 stars."
That was a comment left relative to my video about reassembling a Ruger Mark II pistol. While I have gotten some other nice comments, for some reason this one really hit home. It put a smile on my face because it helped another firearms enthusiast accomplish a sometimes difficult task (I use my videos when I am disassembling or reassembling my Ruger Mark II) and because he or she was nice enough to honor me by letting me know I had helped in some small way. Yeah, I know, it's a long video but it sure seems to have helped some folks.
All the best,
Glenn B

Ditching It

Gives a whole new meaning to driving into a ditch.
All the best,

Mashed Potatoes For Brains

All the best,
Glenn B 

What Are The Chances UMich Won't Cave In...

...to the demands of Students4Justice, apparently made up of so called students of color that they be given “a permanent designated space on central campus for Black students and students of color to organize and do social justice work.” In other words, a white free zone. More here: http://www.thecollegefix.com/post/31322/.

Way to go Students4Justice, as I see it, you have stumbled upon an excellent way to foster racism while you destroy tolerance, diversity, inclusion, integration, equality and any respect of one group for another.

And to think, these are college students acting in this totally asinine manner - seems to me more like they belong in 5th grade than in college.

My guess, no matter how ludicrous is the plan, is that the chances are nil to maybe one in ten thousand at best that the school administration will nix their plan completely.

All the best,
Glenn B

Monsters Among Us - Staking Out The Trail

Some apparent lunatic has been hammering nails into objects along trails in a park in NC. One runner/hiker has already been injured by stepping on one of them and another had a close call in which his shoe but not his foot was punctured (my prime person of interest to date). Police and a runners' group are attempting to uncover and clear the area of these potentially deadly stakes. More here:


If it was happening here close to home in NY, I think I would be staking out the area to help find the madman that has been leaving these booby traps for unsuspecting folks. Not so much for the meager $1,000 reward that has been offered for information about he case but to drive a proverbial stake through the heart of his (or her) madness to bring an end to it.

All the best,
Glenn B

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Proper Stance


All the best,
Glenn B

Income Tax Day

I started my day on my laptop and making calls to try to figure out what my son and I have to do to transfer one of my cars to him. Wound up with being told he could do it all once he moves to AR next month (hell, next week if all goes as planned).

Then I decided to do our income taxes, both the return for me and my wife and also Brendan's. What a pain in the arse it was this year. I spent hours, first on my own, then on the phone with TaxAct.com, to try and figure out why my federal pension was first being taxed fully by NY state, then partially. It should not be taxed at all. Never got an answer as to why it kept coming up that way but the rep I spoke to was able to figure out a way to make an adjustment that corrected the situation. Linda and I are getting back money from the state and the feds. Not much but a little back is better than paying even just a little. Brendan is getting a pittance back from the state and quite the haul from the feds. I know, he would be better off taking it in his pay check and putting it into the bank but I figure he would spend it all on beer that way a little each week. This way, he will spend some partying when he gets the refund and put the rest into the bank as is his habit.

Still have not sent in the return for Linda and me. There is one more thing I have to check since I bought a new car and paid a good amount of tax on it which may help get me even a bit more back. At least everything else is done though. Been a long day, sitting at my desk since about 10 this morning until maybe 820 or so tonight.

All the best,

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Last Night In Sweden - Hell The Last Several Years In Sweden

How many refugees did that POS Obama allow into the USA? And the leftists want to let more enter!

All the best,

You Just Never Know...

...the time nor the fashion of your destiny. The guy you are about to watch in the linked article with video wound up with a fractured skull and chest. Luckily he survived but really - you never know when it could be your turn for something just as strange and maybe with fatal results. I guess it really is good advice,to never stay mad at anyone you love, you may not see them again.

Hat tip to Wirecutter - saw this on his blog.

All the best,
Glenn B

As Wirecutter Would Say...

"I'm sure she's taken, men.

All the best,
Glenn B


All the best,

Sunday, February 19, 2017

Fortuitous Timing...

...guided me home at the right moment to see the BBQ grill engulf itself in flames with black and grey billows of smoke pouring out of it. I quickly shut the burners and opened it while stepping back.  After that, I grabbed the nearby tongs and moved the two racks of lamb off to the far side of the grill that was not in flames. My dearest wifey had decided to grill lamb chops without checking or cleaning the catch pan first. Evidently it had a bit too much grease and probably water in it and up everything went.

As I was trying to assure that the meat was salvageable and take it off of the grill, Brendan and Linda came outside. Brendan was back further than me and had a better overall view and he noticed flames from the cabinet underneath the grill, the area in which the propane tank sits. I opened that and he handed me a mini fire extinguisher. I doused a small flame down in the far corner of the cabinet but still much to close to the tank for comfort. I had to douse it 5 or 6 times, since it went out then would start up again a second or two later. I used the whole can on a tiny flame even though the foam in the can was supposed to be good for grease fires. Like tits on a turtle, it was good for nothing. I asked Brendan to get me a bag of sand from the shed as I was about out of the foam in that worthless piece of junk and he came back with half a bag that I promptly threw all on the flame in the cabinet to assure it did not reignite and then all over the top of the grill to kill the flames up there. Took a little doing but out they went pretty easily.  

My timing was perfect. I do not want to even think about what may have happened if more of the burning grease had gotten down next to or on the propane tank and had burned for another 5 minutes or so. I am guessing that they can go bang from enough heat and if it did go off that it would not have been a good thing. I will be giving the grill a good cleaning tomorrow and will test it after that. I hope the burners were not damaged by the high heat or the sand. I usually give it a looksee and clean it as needed before grilling but that did not happen this time. Tomorrow will tell as to the condition of the grill. I am keeping my fingers crossed it was not damaged.

As for the chops, they were blackened on the outside and just about raw inside so Linda separated them all from one another and cooked them a bit more in the broiler. They were much to my liking once I had added a bit of salt to each of the four that I wolfed down. Seemed that everyone of us enjoyed them just the way they came out.

All the best,

Saturday, February 18, 2017

Life Is Cheap - This Time A 9 Year Old Girl's

I wrote about it this past Thursday that Life is Cheap.

Yes, my life, your life, the lives of others are considered to be cheap in the eyes of thugs who are willing to kill people for a mere pittance. I used as an example an armed robbery in which, luckily, no one was killed. I said then, I could not fathom why they are willing to take the chance of killing someone for what amounts to a mere bag of shells. I think the same now as then especially in light of this example of life being cheap, the murder of a 9 year old girl during a home invasion in January.

The police always tell us not to interfere with bad guys and to give then what they want but when a useless piece of shit dirtbag has a gun to your daughter's head, and you don't have what they want, what are you supposed to do but what her father did. He saw an opportunity to free his daughter from the home invader's grip and he took it; too bad his daughter did not run to cover, as her dad had hoped, but hid behind her tower of strength, her hero, her daddy. He was shot four (4) times defending his little girl and relatives reportedly said that one of the bullets that hit him may be the same one that took her life. (Source: http://www.foxnews.com/us/2017/02/09/wasnt-his-intention-mom-speaks-out:-after-9-year-old-girl-killed-in-home-invasion.html).

More here: http://www.fox19.com/story/34303693/aunt-father-said-he-saw-gun-to-his-daughters-head?clienttype=generic

Yes, my mom was right when she used to comment Life Is Cheap while watching the news about the latest scum of the earth taking an innocent person's life. I did not understand it back then but I understand it now and it makes me grieve. I do not know if the mother of the little girl quite understands that is the attitude of the criminals who commit these crimes, they come armed and ready to shoot and don't give a damn about your life or that of your loved ones, not even if your loved one is an innocent young child. I do know though she must be a saint because she has reportedly stated, as per the linked article:

"I know, and I think everyone else knows, this wasn't his intention,'' 

And that:

"He didn't come in there and intend to shoot and kill a 9-year-old kid."

While I grieve for the little girl, I grieve mostly for her father and mother. He tried to do the right thing and defend her from a ruthless criminal but he will now undoubtedly live in agony while probably blaming himself, at least in part, for what happened to her. The mother will struggle with it too and may wind up going back and forth for years as to whether or not the dad was at fault. The thing is, he was not wrong - not one little bit. When a gun is to the head of your beloved child, how can you depend on the mercy of a man who is depraved enough to be holding it there when chances are he has never shown mercy in his lifetime and does not even understand the concept of the word.

RIP little one. My heartfelt condolences to the family and loved ones of the child. I hope they give him life once they find him and hopefully convict him. Then they should let the other inmates decide his fate once they find out he is a child-killer.

All the best,
Glenn B

Can't We All Just...

All the best,

Friday, February 17, 2017

Robo Customs & Border Protection Officer

Customs & Border protection plans to use a robotic officer to determine if travelers entering (and maybe leaving) the country are being truthful or not. Well, at least they have been testing such a device but my bet is if they are testing at least they hope to use it. More here:


When you read that article, of course you noticed that the article did not say the device would be used to interview arriving aliens to determine if they had ill intent for the USA or its citizens. Oh no - CBP would reportedly use it to find out if you have fruits or vegetables or maybe to ask if you are carrying weapons (after you get off of the plane is how it seems from the article).

Yes, one professor or someone like that suggested it could be used to find terrorists but that is not how the article suggests it would be used by CBP. Mind you, I am not faulting CBP, I figure they would use it for seeking out terrorists among arriving aliens; I am faulting the reporter who wrote that piece for not outright saying it should most definitely be used to seek out and prevent terrorists from entering our country.

I say - use it first and foremost on those arriving from foreign to determine if they are terrorists, plan to do harm to the USA or its citizens, will follow our laws or not - and watch those with ill intent dwindle from entering through land border crossings, airports and seaports by way of visa programs.

All the best,

Maxine Waters Audio - Real Or Fake It Is Priceless

Imagine a prankster, claiming to be the president of the Ukraine, calling Maxine Waters to discuss Russia, the escalation of the conflict in the Ukraine, Donald Trump and hoped for new U.S. sanctions against Russia due to Russian aggression and election tampering (by way of hacking) in Limpopo! No, don't just imagine it, listen to the call here:

All the best,
Glenn B

Have The Laws Of Physics Changed Or...

...has there been some sort of a cosmic shift, like the one in the book Dirk Gentley's Hollistic Detective Agency that caused the couch to get stuck in the turn of the stairway where it easily had passed before?

I only ask because suddenly our microwave oven no longer fits on the shelf where it has sat securely enough even though precariously on the edge for the past couple or few years. Over the past few days, when you open the door, the darned thing starts to fall off of the shelf and no the door is not hitting anything. Now, I know the shelf size has not changed and am wondering if somehow the back section of this hybrid microwave/convection oven expanded due to overheating or something like that, or maybe the back wall of the shelf area somehow has bulged. I guess I may notice that later when I remove it and replace it with the new one I just ordered. The new one being quite a bit smaller should sit there much more securely and its feet not be near the shelf edge.

If the back of the unit and the back of the cubbyhole in which it sits both appear normal, I am going to go with the cosmic shift hypothesis. Heaven knows, things in general have certainly been bizarre as of late.

All the best,
Glenn B

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Daddy Long Legs

I was looking for a review of Winchester M-22 ammo in 22LR when I found this video. Watch the video and listen to the distance from which he first says he shot.

Yep, those legs of his must be really long, don't ya think!

I will give him this, he corrected himself soon after that and left me thinking his legs are not that long after all.

All the best,
Glenn B

Life Is Cheap

Certainly my or your life is considered cheap by lowlife thugs who are willing t kill us for a mere bag of shells. Take for example a typical armed robbery such as robbing a convenience store or a pizza place. A perfect example is a pair of masked robbers bursting into a pizza place in NY State and robbing the place at gunpoint. They made off with an undetermined amount of cash (source). No, they did not kill anyone but they could have and very likely might have done so had anything not gone to their liking; let's face it that happens all to often with someone winding up dead.

It always amazes me that there are dirtbags willing to take the chance they may kill someone just to rob a place that will have relatively very little cash on hand. As my mom used to say, life is cheap. I did not get it then but I understand it now - it is the dirtbags who consider my life, your life, our lives to be of little value. While I now understand what she meant, I may never understand why they think it is okay to take a life for such a pittance and then why anyone would consider their lives worth preserving by putting them in prison instead of executing them.

All the best,
Glenn B

How Did They Get Their Driver's Licenses

I saw the driver of one of these two dark colored vehicles return to it and look high and low as to why her car and the SUV in front of her car had been ticketed. I saw her basically scratching her head and politely told her why she had gotten a ticket. Can you see why?

Two dumb arsehats with driver's licenses!

In the event you need a clue let me just say neither the white car nor my car (the mirror is most of what you see of mine) got ticketed.

All the best,

A Liberal Awakening?

All the best,

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

The Not So Dearly Departed

“With Leslie’s passing he will be missed only for what he never did; being a loving husband, father and good friend.  No services will be held, there will be no prayers for eternal peace and no apologies to the family he tortured.  Leslie’s remains will be cremated and kept in the barn until ‘Ray,’ the family donkey’s wood shavings run out.  Leslie’s passing proves that evil does in fact die and hopefully marks a time of healing and safety for all.”

The daughter of a Texas man, who evidently was thought to have been one shitty father, wrote an obituary, part of which appears above, that instead of glorifying him evidently made it clear that he had been a rotten scumbag. The full obit can be seen here:


According to an article at CNN, her reasons for having done so were simple:

"I apologize to anyone that my father hurt and I felt it would have been offensive to portray him as anything other than who he was," she also said. "This obituary was intended to help bring closure because not talking about domestic violence doesn't make it go away!" Source: http://www.cnn.com/2017/02/13/health/obituary-charping-texas-man-trnd/

I know I have not been the best husband, dad, relative or friend but I certainly hope someone remembers me more fondly than that. once I am gone. As for my ashes, do with 'em what you will or just leave my dead ass there by the side of the road.

All the best,
Glenn B

Scary Coffee

All the best,

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Hessney Gun Auction February 2017 - Part Two (of two) - Or Look What Followed Me Home

As I posted in part one, I attended the Hessney Auction Company's rod and gun auction this past Saturday, February 11, 2017. I bid on, or almost bid on, all of the following guns and even had the high bid on two of them:

Marlin 1895G Guide Gun, in 45-70 Govt., unfired in the box. I bid $475, it went for $525 (or a total of at least $621 with buyer's premium and tax). Available at my local gun store (LGS) for $648, probably less elsewhere, and not worth bidding that high for so little a savings.

Savage 12BVSS-S, in 22.250 REM, as new with hard case. I bid $200 but the high bid was $650. This one was a last minute decision on my part and I bid just to get into the bidding with no expectation of winning. Bids were going in increments of $25 so there were a lot of them for this fine rifle.

Savage Axis II XP, in 30-06 SPRG, with 3x9 scope, unfired in the box. I bid $275 and it went for the very next bid of $300

Savage Axis XP, in 223 REM with 3x9 scope, unfired in box. I bid $225 and it went for $300. Now this one I could get for $384 out the door, by way of Gallery of Guns, at my local dealer Hunter's Essentials. Had the high bidder used cash or check, he would have paid $355 and if he paid with credit card it would have been $364. For only a $30 difference, I would go through my LGS regardless of paying more there if only because I would get more in the long run in service.

Browning Citori 725 Trap, 12 Ga. O/U, UIB (unfired in box). I bid $1,650 and it went for 2K. A truly nice piece and probably worth the 2 grand bid on it but that was just too high for my bank account.

Ithaca Grade V Hammerless, 12 Ga., SXS, 30" Damascus steel barrel. I was thinking of bidding on this one and am happy I made it there for the preview to have enough time to give all my prospects a good going over. This one was okay but for a cracked forearm and it was cracked in three places. Yet, it sold for $1,450. I didn't think it worth it. Evidently I know very little to nothing! That is especially true since I had missed the fact it was a Grade V. Some of them are so rare as to preclude pricing in price guides! One of the variations of the Grade V had only 9 ever produced. Who knows, that gun may have been the best deal at the auction.

Ithaca Hammerless, 12 Ga. SXS, with 28" Damascus barrels. I had this one on my list but declined to bid after I looked through the bore and saw a barrel bulge, semi ringing the left barrel. I looked again and also felt several that 'ring'. I guess it was worth something since the high bid was $275 but I'd be damned if I was going to pay that for any gun with a bulged barrel. 

Henry Golden Boy, 22 WMR, UIB. I bid $300 and it went for $350. It would have been $535 out the door at my LGS and I am kicking myself in mine arse that I did not bid $375 which after the total would have been about $93 less than at my dealer. I wanted this one for a keeper, as a gift for my son

Henry Lever, in 22LR, 18.25" round barrel. Since I did not get the Golden Boy this one would have been a gift for Brendan had I had the high bid. I bid $225 and it went for a whopping $325.  That was ridiculous since you can get this at my LGS for $327 out the door and probably less elsewhere since my area is expensive. Remember that the $325 was the winning bid and you would have to add buyer's premium and tax to it. That would amount to $384 out the auction house door for cash or check and 3% more by credit card. There were many other guns that sold for overly high bids like this one. Some people just either have no clue or get carried away and just have to win a bid! MI guess that merely means more money for the auction house.

Remington 870 Wingmaster Magnum, 12 gauge, used but nice. I bid $200, it went for a surprising $350, way too much in my estimation.

Browning Medalist, 22LR, 6.75" barrel, with two sets of grips and all accessories. Used but in original black, red lined, case. I bid $825 but it went for $1,150 (or $1,360 total for cash or check). Nice gun but the case covering was damaged. It was probably 99% condition only due to one fine scratch in the metal; the case was in fair condition at best. Probably worth the bid to a collector but not to me.

Winchester Model 9422M, 22 WMR. I did $550, high bid was $725. Nice lever gun.

Marlin 1936, lever action carbine, 30-30 WIN, 20" barrel. This was a nice gun especially considering it was made sometime in the years 1936 through 1947; it is the 2nd variation since it has a B prefix in the serial number. The 2nd variation was manufactured between late 1936 and 1947, the 1st variation only in earlier 1936. The amount of retained case color is astounding. I figure this one to be in at least 95% and as high as 98% finish condition, probably closer to 98%.  

The lighting for these pics was incandescent and not optimal
to show all of the case color. If I can get better shots under
natural light or with flash, I will replace these with new ones.
As per The 2014 Standard Catalog Of Firearms (SCF), it is valued between $650 and $1,000 in current condition (if I got the grading right) and that was from the edition of three years ago. I think the SCF usually is more spot on to actual values than is The Blue Book of Gun Values (BB), my opinion based on my own experience. There was a lot of confusion for me in the BB about which model this really is, either the Model 1936 or Model 36 (or both are one and the same). They call the one in question the Model 36 and state the 2nd variation has the B prefix. 

Yet they say it has "Model 1936" on the upper tang as does the one in question. They also say the Model 1936 was made only in 1936, then say the 1st variation Model 36 (marked Model 1936 and noted as "same as Model 1936..." in the BB) was made from only 1937 through 1940 and the 2nd variation Model 36 only in 1941. They value it somewhat lower than did the SCF. It is all somewhat confusing when you compare pricing info from different sources, especially when one source is already confusing on its own, you figure which one I mean. GunBroker.com had Marlin Model 1936s listed in auctions with starting bids of as low as $499.99 and the one a that price had zero remaining case color. Others were selling likewise, one with bids and it had a very rusted receiver. Total out the door cost, yes I had the high bid, was $562. I tend to think I did okay considering the amount of case color remaining and since lots of remaining case color boosts this model’s value considerably.

Marlin Model 1895SS (model name changed to 1895 in 2001), I bid $325 and it went for $600 plus buyer's premium and tax. That was way to high to bid on a used gun the value of which at 100% is only $615 at best.

Marlin Model 336RC in 35 REM. I bid $225 and it sold for a bid of $400.

Izhmash Saiga, 7.62x39, used. It went for $525, I bid $425 considering it had a cosmetically damaged fore stock.

Izhmash Saiga, 308 WIN. I went for $875 and I bid just under half of that.

Kel-Tec Model SU-16 in 223 REM. I bid $375, the high bid was $400.

Ruger Mini-14 Ranch Rifle, in 223 REM, with two 5 round mags. I bid $625 and stopped because the bidding was going crazy and I did not want to raise my number and wind up bidding after someone else had already gone too high, it was going that fast. It went for a high bid of $800. Once again someone paid more than this would cost, out the door of my LGS for where it goes for $921. Yet, someone paid at least $946 by cash or check or $972 by credit card for this out of the auction house door. That person probably just had to win a bid. There were many other guns that went overpriced.

Rossi Rio Grande in 30-30 WIN, UIB. I bid $250 it went for $400.

Puma Model 92, lever action, in 44 Rem Mag, 20" barrel, used. I would have bid except for the fact that the safety was loose if not outright broken. It sold for a bid of $500.

Savage Axis, 223 REM, used. I bid $175 and it went for $225.

Browning BL-22 Grade II, 22 LR, lever gun. High bid, $500, my bid $300. Nice gun.

Marlin 782, 22 WMR, 3x7 scope & sling. My bid $75, high $200.

Marlin 782, 22 WMR, rear peep sight. I bid $75, high bid $200.

Colt Police Positive, 1st issue, 32 New Police caliber. This was being sold "as new" with the original box. It was absolutely pristine from what I could tell. I got in the bidding at about $500 or so but saw immediately that this was going to go way over what I wanted to pay so I dropped out. It sold for $1,200. Truly a rare find in that condition.

Ruger Model 96, 44 REM Mag, lever gun, UIB. I was outbid by $350 with my bid of $350 when it sold for $700 or $828 out the door cash or check. That regardless of what appeared to be factory damage to the top of the receiver at the scope mount base where the rings would attach. At each such point, the top of the receiver seemed gouged or chipped. More like a tooling problem when manufactured than damage afterward. As best I could tell, this would be worth about $800, in pristine condition, which it was not due to the mentioned flaws. I would have liked to pair that with my Ruger Redhawk in 44 REM MAG but not at that price.

Remington 870 Express, 12 Ga. with laminate stock, sold ANIB (as new in box). I bid $175 and it went for $200. I could have had my 5th or 6th 870!

Remington Model 572 Fieldmaster, 22 LR, pump action. I bid $250, it went for $37; it was in very nice condition.

Marlin Model 57M, 22WMR, lever gun. This one went for $400, my bids stopped at $350. Excellent condition and I kind of kicked myself for not going to $425 as it would have been a keeper and a very fun gun but that would have made its cost at the very high end of its value.; yet it just keeps going up in value over the years.

At this point the auction was getting into the mid-three hundreds in catalog numbers, those guns I took some extra time to look over hoping to get one at a decent price. On some of these guns the bidding went in increments of $25 on others in increments of $5 or $10 depending on bidder interest.

Stevens Model 311A, SXS, 410 Ga.. I bid $75 due to condition, not great. It sold for $475, someone sure saw something in it that I had not seen. Yes there were over 300 guns up for bids.

Savage Model 220D, 12 Ga., single barrel. I bid $75, it went for $90.

New England Firearms Pardner SB1, 20 Ga., single. I bid $75 it went for $90.

Stevens Model 94F, 20 Ga., single. It sold for $120, I bid $50.

Springfield Model 944, Series A, 12 Ga., single. I had the high bid of $85, or out the door cost of $100.51. It was in VG condition. I bid on this one in the blind, more or less, because while I had looked it over during the preview that morning, I had not checked on its value. I was about spot on as far as I can tell as it has been valued up to $150 in EXC condition. By the way, it is really a Stevens produced piece as they were using the Savage and Springfield names when they produced this.

It doesn't look as nice as this in person. Hitting the auto correct icon adjusted
the color correctly but added a bit too much contrast making the
 metal look almost pristine, which it definitely is not.
There were only 8 guns remaining after that Springfield and I did not bid on any of them. I did endure long enough to stay through the wild game and fishing themed prints, decoys, mounts if only because I was awaiting the ammo portion of the auction. Wound up picking up a couple of boxes of 44 REM MAG, a box of 30-30 WIN (bad move as half of it is corroded (probably okay to clean up and sell as a collectible it is that old), and a couple of boxes of Hornady 35 REM 200 grain. Not a bad day considering I’m quite happy with my Marlin Model 1936.

All done with the auction, I headed to the Hotel Exchange, in Geneva, for that special steak dinner I had promised myself. They advertise it as a 14 to 16 ounce NY strip steak (no bone). It came with a nice and delicious salad, a basket of bread, a vegetable (green beans) and either baked or mashed potatoes. I opted for baked but they were not ready yet since I was there a bit early – so I took the mashed. I can be pretty friggin picky about whether or not I like something and can bitch and moan with the best of them when complaining about a meal like this. That said, let me tell you this was one of the best steak dinners I have ever eaten anywhere and those places include Ruth’s Chris Steakhouse in Nassau County, NY and Peter Lugar’s in Brooklyn, NY.

Dinner started with a salad, well really with a cider, then the salad.

The steak was absolutely excellent and was one of the very best
that I have ever eaten at a restaurant - perfectly cooked & delicious.
The steak was cooked perfectly medium rare as I had requested. The mashed were smooth and creamy and the beans were ok. The salad was delicious as was the bread. I cleaned my plate with a slice of bread and the waitress (maybe the owner’s wife) was impressed at how clean it looked. She commented ‘it’s obvious you enjoyed it’ or something an awful lot like that. My dinner, including the meal, a bottle of Angry orchard Cider and a cup of coffee cost a total of only $14.50 (dinner itself was only $10.00). Getting back to Friday night, when I stopped there for a few drinks, I have to say the shots they give are huge and beer prices pretty good, much better than near where I live. Service both at the bar and at my table was excellent and friendly.  I highly recommend the place and am certain if I am up in Geneva again, I will be stopping there again.

By the way, back to the Marlin Model 1936, for a moment. From what I found in an Internet search today (the day after the auction), it is really a 2nd variation Marlin Model 36 although marked Marlin1936. All that confusion supposedly because Marlin called it the Model 1936 in their catalog in 1936, then started calling it the Model 36 in later catalogues – but still marked it Model 1936 for years to come (I have sent an email to marlin requesting clarification among some other info for which I asked). Go figure but as far as I am concerned, right now, it is a Model 1936 as marked on the tang and is the 2nd edition due to the B prefix in the serial number (which by the way is a pretty early number and was definitely manufactured in 1941). That is also what the SCF considers it – a Model 1936 2nd variation. According to one of the posts about the Model 1936 in Gun Values Board, the B prefix was only used in 1941 and the C prefix came into use in 1945. There were reportedly no commercial guns produced by Marlin from sometime in 1941/42 through sometime in 1945 due to their wartime production activities during WWII. God bless patriotic American manufacturers!

In closing let me just add this: The folks at the Hessney Auction Co. were professional, courteous and as darned nice as ever. It is truly a pleasure to suffer my addiction there attend their rod and gun auctions. They make even the 11 - 12 hour round trip drive worth the trip! A hat tip to them.

All the best,
Glenn B

Hessney Gun Auction February 2017 - Part One (of two)

Over the past few years, I have found it more and more difficult to get a really good deal at a firearms auction (either in person or online), and I do mean one in which I have the high bid on a firearm and that bid is a good deal less than the value of the gun. Sure, I have gotten few decent deals, even one or two good ones but it has been becoming harder and harder to get them. Some bidders have been willing to pay what amounted to prices higher than actual available retail on some guns. I always figured that was due to the strong anti-gun sentiment in Albany and in Washington, DC. Either that or that the bidders had been bitten by the auction bug - that thing that makes you keep bidding just to win a bid. I realized many auctions back that the term win a bid is pure balderdash; I am guessing that long ago, a very shrewd auctioneer thought that one up to make folks feel good about bidding too much and it stuck because it made the idiot bidders feel like winners (kind of like the everyone gets a trophy thing).

Well, now we have less to worry about in DC since Donald Trump is president (or at least I am hopeful such is the case). I have been expecting the gun buying frenzy of the past few years to ease up a bit and it seemed maybe to have ben the case very recently. Retail ammo availability has increased and retail ammo prices have fallen at least a little bit in general. Some guns I have not seen available at local mon & pop firearms stores, like Ruger Mini 14's are suddenly on the shelves again. Yet, bidders on Saturday, February 11, 2017, were bidding like crazy inside the standing room only Hessney Auction Company, LTD rod & gun auction.

On Friday evening, when I went to the auction preview, I had my first clue that the place would be packed for Saturday's auction. There had to be triple the highest amount of cars in their parking lot that I have ever seen for a preview. After the preview, I headed to my hotel and checked in. Then I went across the street to enjoy a few ales at The Hotel Exchange bar. I enjoyed a few bottles of 2XIPA, by Southern Tier brewers, a NY local ale. I also had a couple of exceptionally sized shots of vodka. Then, as opposed to the last time I was at the same bar, while up that way for an auction, I headed back to my room before getting totally snockered. At the last auction, I was pretty darned hungover and wanted to avoid that this time. I promised myself though, that after the auction this Saturday, I would stop there for their steak special dinner that I had missed the last time (which was the first or maybe second time I ever stopped in that particular place).

Come Saturday morning, I had breakfast at the hotel consisting of bacon, more bacon and some bacon atop that along with a cinnamon raisin bagel and coffee - minus a hangover and that was indeed a good thing. Then I was off to the auction house. Wow what a line was there already just before 0800. That had to have been the longest line I'd seen for one of their auctions that early; usually there may be 10 people there by then. Being that I had registered on Friday night, I just bypassed the line and walked right inside. Of course, there was some dickhead grumbling about me cutting the line even though I had explained to those at the door that I was already registered and was headed to the head.

Potential bidders lined up in the cold waiting to get into
what was a standing room only fast and furious auction.
By the way, more folks were behind them on line.

Once inside, I got another chance to look around some more, this time mostly at ammo but also at just a few more guns. It usually takes an hour to hour and a half before the bidding starts on the firearms once the doors have opened. The additional guns I looked at were mostly those that would be auctioned off near the end of the firearms offerings. Those always go quickly (because by then Joe Hessney wants to get the day over) and often do so at decent to pretty lowball prices. I was interested in only about four or five of those lower end guns, all shotguns, that would be auctioned off near the end. I am happy I gave them all a good going over, two SXS shotguns on which I wanted to bid were not in a condition acceptable to me, I am surprised that one of them received a bid of more than $75 - more on that later.

The bidding started in the side room, as usual, on reloading equipment, accessories, archery gear, and other assorted things. Then it moved onto two snowmobiles outside the front door. Once they had been dispensed with, the gun auction commenced while the side room auction still was ongoing. I stepped into the side room in time to bid on items on table 3, that were being bid on as so many dollars apiece for as many items on that table that you wanted to take if you had the high bid. I was outbid but probably should have placed one more bid to make mine $20. I wanted to grab two jars of Pyrodex RS but the guy who outbid me because I hesitated to bid $20 apiece selected those two items from the table. (I know that is about the going price for it but if I order online the dealers charge shipping plus about a $30 additional fee for hazardous material shipping.) That was it for me back there, nothing else was of much interest to me and I did not want to miss my chance to bid on some guns in the concurrently running firearms auction in the main room, so back there I went.

Luckily, I had gotten what seems to be my reserved seat in the front row. Four out of five of the last times that I attended the preview the night before the auction, the only seat remaining in the first row was the same I got this time. I was right up front and thus got one last chance to see the offerings, fairly close-up, as they were being auctioned off. Since all items are sold "as is" sitting up front is a good thing because you may well be able to see any damage caused by a slippery fingered bidder who may have dropped something during the preview the night before or the morning of the auction. Besides being up front, seating was at a premium and every seat was filled and the room's sides and back lined with standing bidders as well. Once I got seated, I still had about another 10 to 15 minute wait; that was longer than usual or so it seemed to me. It also seemed that way to the lady sitting next to me who asked me if they would be starting soon.

There were still folks coming in from outside to register when I took this photo
during the preview on Saturday morning. When bidding began, every seat was
taken and it was standing room only along the sides and back.

The bidding finally commenced. In the beginning it may have seemed fast to someone unaccustomed to a live auction but it was nothing compared to what it would be near the end when Joe wants to get it over for the day. The better long arms are auctioned at first to about midway through all the gun listings. Pistols are intermixed in groups, as it goes along. Then the lower end stuff followed by art work, mounts, decoys and ammo. Ammo is always last. I was ready to bid fairly high on some guns, all long arms except for two truly excellent collectible pistols (since it is a true pain in the butt for me to get the pistol permit paperwork) a Browning Medalist and a Colt Police Positive (1st version). Both were in their original boxes. They went for way more than I was willing to bid though. I am getting ahead of myself though, since as I said, it was long guns first.

I bid on several of the long arms but once again, even though my high bids came close to the high bids on a few, I was nowhere near the high bid on many of them but yes I did have a couple high bids on guns. Now mind you, I research the guns on which I intend to bid well before the auction. A partial catalogue is available around a week or so beforehand and keeps growing until about two or three days prior to the auction when it is complete. I go through the list, pick out what I have an interest in and then run the make & model names or numbers through The Blue Book of Gun Values. That gives me a good idea, in most cases, of what something is worth but that is not good enough for me. On both new and used guns, I also check them through GunBroker.com to see what they have been selling for, or at least for the asking prices. I may also check through my 2014 Standard catalog of Firearms and although somewhat outdated it still holds valuable detailed info about many, many firearms. That all gives me a better and more real time idea of their value. On new guns, I also run tem through GalleryOfGuns.com to see what they retail for at my local gun store (LGS) - they give a total out the door price. Then I consider what I would bid and include in my calculations the 10% bidders premium (for cash or check) and/or the 13% bidder's premium (for credit card payments and too often I have paid that way) and the sales 7.5% tax rate for that area. If you don't calculate that into you bid beforehand - you can bid while thinking you are getting a good deal only to find, once those are added on, that you have screwed yourself in your eagerness to win a bid. I try to keep the total of my bid, the premium and the tax to what I consider a good overall or out the door price for any particular gun and I bid accordingly.

Being that the list and my commentary of some of the guns on which I bid is pretty long, I’ll do a part two for this post and list the guns there.
All the best,
Glenn B

Friday, February 10, 2017

Here I Am Again...

...in Geneva, NY for another Hessney Firearms auction. Luckily, this time, I left the bar early and will get to sleep nice and early and thus likely not be hungover like I was at the last one I attended. That can only be a good thing AND WHO EVER THOUGHT I WOULD ADMIT TO THAT!

All the best,

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Will He Get Rich...

...because some shithead of an ambulance chasing money hungry unethical lawyer will see the opportunity of a mega law suit because a really moronic asshole someone, possibly sleeping in a dumpster, got dumped into the garbage truck with the trash and was stuck inside of the truck for about a 10 mile trip (source). I would bet you can safely bet on it and I would bet that some new ordinance or regulation will come out of this requiring garbage men to check inside the dumpsters before offloading them. It is a sad, sad world when something like that could result in what I imagine will happen but it happens all too often that sheer stupidity is rewarded and then new rules are thought up that protect the stupid and punish the working people of this country.

All the best,
Glenn B

Ammo Prices

All the best,
Glenn B

God & Guns

Created at: https://imgflip.com/memegenerator

All the best,

Monday, February 6, 2017

It's Alive!

"It's Alive" was the message I sent to my son this afternoon along with the first photo below:
Later on, I sent this second photo to him, my daughter and my wife:

My current male Hermann’s Tortoise was hatched on either July 29, 2011, August 9, 2011. I had one egg hatch on each of those days from the first breeding of my then male and my then & current female. That male has since disappeared out of my backyard. My current male Hermann’s, one of those original offspring, is thus about 5 ½ years old. Well, he finally hit a home run.
My female laid five eggs back on November 6 th  and one was broken and a total loss from day one. While I was pretty certain that four were fertile, I lost them all due to too much moisture in the incubation substrate which caused the shells to over absorb water and crack. That was a hasty novice’s error, done while I was in a hurry to moisten it before going away for the weekend. I am no novice but we all can have a brain fart. The female laid again either later in November or in early December, that time I think it was three eggs. They went into the incubator and I was careful never to add to much water to the substrate. One was infertile and went bad within a month or month and a half, it too had cracked but likely from whatever foul smelling stuff was inside festering away since it had been infertile. Another seemed fertile and candled with a couple of veins showing but then ceased growing and died for whatever reason. The last one was candled as fertile after about a week or so and remained seemingly healthy.
That last one started to pip this afternoon. The baby tortoise at first stuck only a single foot through a hole it had made in the shell. Later this evening, when I ;last looked in on it, the baby had a nice sized hole in the shell with its two front legs, head and some of its shell exposed. It may stay like that for up to a few days before it feels ready to leave the shell behind and start its life out of the nest (incubator).
I am pretty darned happy even though it is only one baby, because it means my little 5 ½ year old male is not shooting blanks any longer. I am going to give him and the female a week without food and only water, then put them both into brumation for two months. That should assure he fires live loads later in the spring when I allow them to mate again. For all I know, the female could be gravid now but I want to give her a break and brumate her regardless. She can use the rest, I am sure of that.
As for the new addition, I will be setting up an individual tank for it.
All the best,
Glenn B