I just woke up and turned on Fox News. Granted, I was still groggy and was in no condition to be greeted by them doing an interview of Congressman Charles Rangel but then when is one ever prepared for such balderdash as what he spews forth. Well, there he was on Fox News moments ago, and if I understood his babbling style of speech correctly, he was saying that if we cannot tell him under what flag was Al Qaeda, or tell him who they are, then we cannot argue against his point that we do not belong in Afghanistan. He also seemingly argued that we have not achieved anything in Afghanistan in tracking down Al Qaeda. He also, in essence, said that intelligence obtained by torture is invalid and therefor not apparently responsible for accomplishing anything.
Tell me, where were the people captured who we have in custody in Gitmo, captured? What type of technique was use on them, by our CIA, before they got to Gitmo? What information did they give us that led to the assassination of Al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden? Is Charlie Rangel of of his friggin mind! I think so.
How he can be so flipping ignorant and still be reelected time after time simply amazes me.
Later 4 U,