Friday, July 3, 2020

Ragged Old Flag - An Amazingly Appropriate Song For The Times

I am 64 years old going on 65, have been a Johnny Cash fan since I was about 18 and a patriot for as long as I can remember. Yet, in all the years since I first heard Johnny Cash's raged and rugged voice, I do not remember ever hearing this song - Ragged Old Flag - performed by him. 

I think it amazing that while doing a search for patriotic songs, for me to listen to this July 4th weekend, this was the fourth song in the list that came up, amazing not so much because I discovered it for myself but because - IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN THE FIRST SONG IN THE LIST! This song is exceedingly appropriate to be shared on this particular Independence Day considering all of the strife our great nation has suffered recently and considering those who would kneel for the National Anthem or defile our flag. 

Please, take a few moments, sit back and enjoy this piece because it may put your heart at peace if you truly pay attention to, think about and take to heart the lyrics and what they say about this country and her flag - and what they mean for all Americans.

I embedded two versions here - both are excellent - one a little more modern in the video.


Then I found it done by Charlie Daniels, how could I not include it!


So tomorrow, I hope all Americans celebrate a happy birthday for the USA and if you have one, fly her flag proudly and with honor.

All the best
Glenn B