Just wanted to post a quick one to say hi to all my readers. The last several weeks, especially last week, have been trying on me but I am hanging in there. I have about 2 more weeks (a little less I think) of radiation and one more chemo treatment to go. I am dreading the chemo, the other two sessions have knocked me on my ass and I was in the hospital last week for 4 days as a result.
Feeling somewhat better this week, even went to work yesterday. Had planned on going in today today but felt too worn out and spent the day in bed. This, like everything else in life, has its ups and downs. If when it is all over, the cancer has had its ass kicked, I will be on one hell of an upper and rejoice. If not, what can I say? Maybe I'll have to watch Secondhand Lions again, for inspiration to maybe learn how to fly and soar with the eagles (or something along those lines).
All the best,
Glenn B