"Firearm Info
Your Serial Was Not Found, What Does That Mean?"
Our Serial Number Database is comprised of serial numbers imported or manufactured in the United States by Beretta from 1988 forward.
Prior to Beretta USA, some Italian manufactured guns were imported by other lines of distribution.
If your firearm is an older classic, please refer to our FAQ database "When was my firearm produced?".
Please call 1-800-BERETTA for additional assistance."
I wish it was for all their guns no matter where made or when but it is still a help for those with guns that fit the criteria. I hope that is as helpful for fellow Beretta owners as it already has been for me.
My thanks go out to user BrokeDaddy of the Handgun Forum.net who posted about it at this link: https://www.handgunforum.net/threads/beretta-serial-lookup-is-back.173067/ this past June.