Saturday, August 10, 2024

Single Issue Votes

 On a gun forum which I sue frequently, the news that the NRA has endorsed a sole democrat politician for this years elections has drawn the ire of many forum members. The thing is that the forum members who oppose the NRA having done so probably are, in my estimation, using the same basic method of how they have gone about deciding to oppose the NRA on this issue; that method was, by my guess, to base their decision on a single issue. In this case that would be that the forum users disagree with the NRA based solely on the fact that the politician is a democrat and thus must be opposed. Of course, I think the NRA's single issue used to by them to decide to endorse her was something different, her support of the right to keep and bear arms, but the method of using only a single issue to make their decision is the same.

The thing is, it is not a single issue situation, one has to consider all of the other issues which she supported and voted for in addition to those she openly opposed and voted against in order to make a wise decision as to whether to support or oppose the NRA's endorsement of her. I am pretty certain though, the NRA bases the political endorsements they give to politicians on only one issue, the RKBA or at least in the great part upon that lone issue. In that regard, many in the gun forum's thread discussing this seem to be of the same ilk, as is the mindset of other conservative who oppose the NRA's endorsement of her, as far as how they are going about judging the NRA. By that I mean they evidently are basing their dislike of the NRA's endorsement of congresswoman Mary Peltola, D–Alaska (more at the source) on a single issue when there is no doubt one issue does not make up the platforms of most politicians nor the ideals of most voters.At least I think not of logical voters in most elections. If this lady is consistently one who votes more conservatively or at least logically and is not woke nor a DEI selection by voters, then maybe she deserves not only an A+ from the NRA but the support of those in the Rebooblican Party who currently oppose her, having received the nod from the NRA, just because she is a registered Demonkrat. 

I had been thinking, just in the last couple of weeks of registering as a Demonkrat; that just so I could vote in the Demonkrat primaries - the ones that should have been held with little delay after the likes of Schumer, Pelosi, Harris and others seemingly conspired to boot out Biden. Let's face it, my (any any other voters) due process as a voter may have been violated by them not allowing voters the opportunity to vote for their candidate of choice to replace Biden on the ticket. I would have voted for almost anyone other than Harris; my vote probably would have come to be a write in vote or Biden (it would be great if dems did that en masse, voted for Biden in the new primary (that should have been held) and then Biden would have wound up with more votes than Harris. You may think it great that she was appointed by the Dems and is running against Trump but I think a leftist of lesser degree would be easier for Trump to defeat; and the easiest would have been Biden - easily accomplished, as I said, by way of write in votes for Biden. 

Now, I am not very religious; although, sometimes I wonder if I am more religious than I think and at other times ponder whether or not I am religious at all. Yet, I do embrace several, or I suppose it is actually many, Christian morals, philosophies, ideals and etiquette and live most of my life with them as guidelines along with some of the same from a few other religions and or lay philosophies of some who are agnostic or not religious at all. In general, I think I live my life by trying to do the right things much more frequently than not. Despite that, I have as of late found myself sort of praying to God (if there is one), or the Gods if more than one (the early Christians number one way into the hearts of those of other faiths to win them over, I think, was mainly the fact that despite claiming there was only one God, they kind of sort of almost practiced a religion that was polytheism in a way never seen before because their one God was also three Gods all miraculously being one and the same), Nature, the Force or whatever powers that may be that Harris does not defeat The Donald and then wind up destroying outr great nation and I base my prayers on several issues. In the case of the upcoming election while the one issue of the RKBA is extremely important to me, I still believe candidates need be judged on several issues and have their voting records and their overall politics scrutinized by a multitude of examiners, the voters, just to assure their platform and possibly prior behavior agree with those types of essentially Judaeo-Christian and other religion's ideals before anyone decides to give them a shining endorsement or their vote. 

It is much the same when deciding whom not to support and voting against someone, for instance Harris. There are many points I can think of why one should not vote for Harris. Those being the disaster of the essentially open border, her abject disrespect for the law when it came to what I think was post G. Floyd terrorism practiced by BLM and ANTIFA among others, her extreme disrespect for law enforcers as I see it based upon her thinking defunding the police was a good idea and I believe she probably still thinks it, her seeming belief that riots involving those groups were peaceful protests, an alleged large number of race based convictions of black men for minor marijuana infractions when she was a prosecutor, my belief she is a racist, her playing all sides against the middle by claiming at different times to be of different races, her failure as Border Czar, the failing economy, her anti-RKBA stance, her poor judgement as in her selection of her running mate- even many dems agree on that, her all too often senseless babble that she repeatedly regurgitates, her inability to get her point across to make anyone understand what she actually means when speaking about the issues (this has been a long time ploy of leftists leaving it to their followers to decide the meaning of her babble for themselves thus getting self satisfaction even if their interpretations are very different than one anothers in the dem party - keeps everyone happy when they all can make believe they got it right), her seeming frequent inability to finish making a point about something serious without breaking out into a wild cackle, her very apparent lack of knowledge on subjects about which she is interviewed or about which she is making a statement, her evident lies about the competency of Joe Biden.

All that said, I cannot understand why anyone who is acting rationally would vote for her. Instead I see a multitude of mindless adherents who will vote for her because they believe she would be the first woman president and sex is their one issue, she would be the first black woman president and race and sex are what does it for them or simply race alone is enough, she would be the first person of Asian descent and her ancestry, race and ethnicity does it for other voters. I prefer to base my distaste for her on multiple issues: first of all that she is the selection of the deep state within the Demonkrat party and thus her candidacy was not put to a vote and deprived other candidates of a fair chance and also deprived the voters of the opportunity to make the selection, that she goes along with how she was selected as the candidate, she seems to support late term abortion, she is anti-RKBA, she did nothing to get the economy out of the mess it is in but supported Bidenomics that caused the economy to falter, that she evidently  lied about Bidens mental acuity, that she apparently lied about her support of Biden as the dem candidate, that she speaks in senseless riddles or babble,  that she seems very uninformed and unknowledgeable about major issues, opposes Donald Trump and has seemingly expressed the same hatred for him as other mindless Demonkrats by which they hate him so much they'd do anything to prevent him from being elected again - even supporting his assassination, that she plays both sides against the middle in the Israel versus Hamas war... The list goes on and on but those multiple issues I just presented are more than enough reason for me never to vote for Harris and probably for me to never vote for a Demonkrat ever again because it seems the great majority of the party's members are actually functioning irrationally when it comes to politics. 

While I tend to doubt it, maybe the NRA decided to endorse congresswoman Mary Peltola, D–Alaska based upon multiple issues, after their scrutiny of her overall politics, as opposed to doing so based upon a single issue. I certainly would hope voters do so, that is to consider many issues if not all of them even if the NRA maybe did not. I definitely wish they'd do so when it comes to whom they decide to cast their vote for president - Harris or Trump. If they do that, I think there is no way Trump can lose unless the election is rigged.

All the best,
Glenn B