Saturday, July 23, 2016

I Puttered Around Today With This And That... the garden and with the upgrade to Windows 10 and may even start painting the basement walls this evening after dinner. For the most part though, I have not don much. It's just too darned hot outside to do the weed pulling that needs to be done. I may wait until around 9 or 10 PM tonight for that. I won't use Roundup though; I used that crap last year and was very careful to avoid getting it on my Japanese Maple Tree but the tree had several branches die off right after that regardless of my having been careful. I think the runoff with the chemicals in it got to the tree roots. It's doing okay now but is nowhere nearly as nice as it had been before that.

Anyway, here is the sentiment for the day at 95 degrees and about 30% humididity:

Stay cool and un-sober for the weekend (as long as not driving, shooting or doing other things during which it would be foolish o drink).
All the best,
Glenn B

Windows 10 Upgrade Completed

Well, it seems as if this time, after almost exactly 2 hours of upgrade time, the upgrade to MS Windows 10 has taken hold and the old laptop seems to be working okay. Of course, I have not turned it off since the upgrade completed about 6 minutes or so ago - so who knows for sure if it will reboot as it should. I am keeping my fingers crossed but am pretty certain it is okay since none of what I am seeing now happened last time. last time it just crashed and would not reboot. Now to get used to all the new and apparently very intrusive operating system. One of the first things I will be doing is to turn off as many of the Windows 10 snooping applications that I can turn off. Then I have to figure out if I want to disable MS Edge and use only IE or if I want to keep Edge running.

All the best,

MS Windows 10 Upgrade Attempt In Progress

Wish me luck with this please. The last time I attempted to upgrade to the MS Windows 10 operating system, my laptop crashed miserably. It took me many, many, many attempts (at least most of a day if not days) before I was successfully able to restore it to operating condition. I would like to install the upgrade and am trying again after first making sure that everything on the laptop has been updated with the most recent drivers, creating recovery disks, and after doing a backup to a portable hard drive. According to the first step of the upgrade, it says my laptop is compatible with MS10 but that also is what it said the last time. Hoping for the best.

All the best,
Glenn B