Saturday, December 20, 2014

It's Been A Sad Day In Brooklyn, Very Sad...

...and with the sadness is mixed in lots of anger and disbelief after the assassination of two New York City Police Officers by a cowardly lowlife. Their killer sneaked up on them from behind and opened fire without giving them a chance and snuffed out the lives of two young men before their times.

NYPD Officers Ramos and Liu, RIP.
Rafael Ramos, who had been on the force for three years, was a 40 year old husband and the father of a 13 year old. Wenjian Liu, a seven year veteran of the NYPD, was only 32 years old and had been married all of about 2 months.

Their suspected killer, Ismaaiyl Brinsley allegedly had shot his girlfriend in Baltimore, MD earlier in the day and then reportedly made several posts to her Instagram account in which he said, among other things, that he was going to put wings on some cops in NY. The Baltimore police reportedly warned the NYPD about Brinsley's threats against NYPD Officers but the warning came too late to do any good.

This reportedly is a photograph of
the suspected cop-killer Brinsley.
Photo source.
Brinsley apparently traveled to NY where he allegedly shot the cops in Brooklyn as they sat in their patrol car. He then walked to a subway station where he allegedly shot and killed himself. Fucking bastard was to much of a coward to face what he had coming.

My heart felt condolences go out to their families and loved ones and to their brothers and sisters in blue. A Merry Christmas or Happy Chanukah will not be had for the families of these officers - maybe not for years to come - and it is certain that a pall of sadness has fallen over their brothers and sisters in blue, and all New Yorkers, this holiday season. 

All the best,
Glenn B



Living For Each Other

And thus I would gladly lead the lamb to slaughter. I do love an excellent leg of lamb and salmon, lobster, chicken, turkey, duck, pork roast, bacon and rib-eye steak are right up there too! Nature is ever so yummy.
All the best,
Glenn B

What I Wish For My Friends and What I Wish For Kim

This is what I wish for my friends:

However, you Kim Jung-un are not a friend, at least not one of mine. You sir are an arsehat and a tyrannical and oppressive dictator with a narcissist streak for whom I wish something of another ilk; I wish that you are very soon visited by this guy:
All the best (except to you Kim),
Glenn B


Putting A Stop To Nazi Germany Being Reborn - Who Can Do It - Consider John Bolton

Twenty years ago, I probably never would have believed that this would actually happen but it is now unfolding for all the world to see and yet we do virtually nothing. It is a holocaust of only a slightly different nature than that of the WWII era. This time around, not only are the mentally deficient, criminally insane, Gypsies, Jews, and enemies of the state being put to death but, it is anyone and everyone who is not of the exact same ilk as those of ISIS who are being exterminated. Yes, I said exterminated because that is exactly what ISIS is doing (and let's not forget the Taliban because they have been and continue to do likewise).

There is a way, I think, to put a stop to this and to do it in a fairly swift manner but that would require an alliance of nations with balls (and at least brass ones at that) to be willing to wage all out war on all of extremist Islam on a unified front. Since no one, at this point in time who has any power in government is willing to do such, you can expects hundreds of thousands, maybe even millions, of deaths at the hands of these scum in ISIS and the Taliban before anyone in power gets the nerve to even recommend that we totally and without prejudice wipe out every last one of these psychotics.

How likely is it to happen in my lifetime, that we actually make a major effort to totally annihilate these bastards - not likely with mindsets like this one that require our fighting men and women to respect terrorists and not hurt their feelings. Note that that is not the exception but the rule as we here in the US have restrictions that are just as ridiculous such as these. There is no way we are going to win this war with pansies as our leaders who give orders like those.

What we need is a fighter to take charge. When we hit 2016 and the presidential election - for whom will we be able to vote? That pompous witch Hillary could be a choice - no way she will fight terror - she will have a caliphate here within 6 years and try to blame it all on a conservative film maker. Then maybe there will be blabbermouth Joe. That fool who can't keep his tongue between his teeth and who has some of the furthest left leaning moronic ideas for governing I have ever heard. Maybe Romney or Bush - they are two pompous wimps. Forget about the fat boy from Jersey - he is a spoiled cry baby who only looks hard (at best) when he has a temper tantrum.

We need a hard boiled, no nonsense, commander and patriotic type to take the reins in his teeth, take his pistols in his hands, and lead the charge of our troops and those of our allies in an all out war against terror. he does not necessarily need to have military experience but needs to have chutzpah (grit, impudence, balls of steel or at least brass). While he is not perfect and has made some mistakes, one fellow that I think may fit this description is: John Bolton. Instead of writing his autobiography way too early in life and instead of pushing the dreams of his father, Mr. Bolton wrote:  Surrender Is Not An Option: Defending America At The United Nations And Abroad. He has been a staunch defender of liberty and of the United States of America throughout his working lifetime.

I would vote for Bolton in a heartbeat before voting for any of the others I can think of who may wind up in the running. If you feel likewise, then start letting others know about him. Start calling political leaders and interest groups to push for him. He would be a savior of this nation instead of being the like of the current nincompoop in charge who ignores the Constitution unless he is corrupting it. There may be other and better men for the job but I have not seen one of them with a real interest in taking it on and getting done what need be done.

Of course, I reserve the right to change my mind but Bolton is the man I am thinking of at this early stage of the game.

All the best,
Glenn B