Sunday, February 16, 2025

The Lack Of Intelligence Among Those On The Left Is Mind Boggling

 Can you believe that anyone with more than a grammar school education, would think that there was free speech inside of Nazi Germany, let alone weaponized free speech, prior to and during WW II and that that is what caused the Holocaust! It probably should not be all that surprising that leftists think that, considering all of the prior ridiculous statements I have heard from liberals, as well as all of their outrageous tactics that I have seen; yet, it absolutely amazes me that anyone could think as they think, take for instance CBS host Margaret Brennan of "Face the Nation" who reportedly said this, to Secretary of State Marco Rubio, in reference to VP Vance's a speech, while in Germany, to European heads of state about free speech: 
 "Well, he was standing in a country where free speech was weaponized to conduct a genocide," Brennan replied. "He met with the head of a political party that has far-right views and some historic ties to extreme groups. The context of that was changing the tone of it. And you know that." Source,
 Is she out of her mind? If a German citizen, during Hitler's reign of terror, even so much as said you did not agree with each and everything Hitler said - the Nazis had the youth of the country so brainwashed as inform on their own parents at the whim of the Gestapo, SS or other Nazi elements. Even if your parents said they felt sorry for their neighbors, let's say for example the Goldbergs, who had been rounded up and sent to a death camp, the child of the German parents who had said that were encouraged to inform on their parents. The parents would possibly go to the death camps for termination along with Jews, Russian POWs, Gypsies, Criminals, the mentally handicapped, and on and on - anyone whom the Nazis wanted to get rid of. Other parents were shot on the spot or jailed and executed later. My bet is many paid a high price, if they had wealth enough, to be exonerated. However, if they were among people sent to the camps and they were deemed fit enough to work, the Nazis worked them to death or until so weak that the Nazis killed them in the gas chambers or shot them; they also starved them (anyone who was a prisoner in the camps) while they lived. If considered not fit enough to work in the first place, they were killed outright. 

Mass grave at Bergen-Belsen, April 1945.
For any idiot out there who thinks for a moment that there was freedom of anything for the people at large, inside of Nazi Germany or inside the lands they had occupied, let me tell you most assuredly: THERE WAS NO FREE SPEECH IN NAZI GERMANY OR IN THE OCCUPIED LANDS UNDER NAZI CONTROL.What there was, was a tyrant and his heinous evil goons running amok who gleefully killed anyone they chose to terminate and they did so as they pleased. 
I wish these so called 'woke' leftists would finally actually wake up.  Maybe Margaret Brennan should go to any historical account of the Nazi death camps and read the text and view the photographs. Maybe if she (and those who think like her) bothered to take a look and actually read the text and view the photographs, then also look at the above photos, and at the statistics shown below (found at Queensboro College, CUNY website),  they might wake up. 

Somehow I doubt it though, I doubt it if only because they a consider themselves 'woke' and thus in their minds they know it all, even when they have the reality of any given situation completely wrong. Facts and reality never seem to interfere with the opinions nor any of the wrong information spewed by liberals and by those whom I think are idiots in the press. 

 Estimated Deaths from Nazi Violence during World War II (by Group)

Being of about half German descent, I started to tear up about halfway through an article I was reading about it all, with truly disturbing text and photos, and I was forced to think that some, maybe even all, of my German ancestors were capable of such atrocities.

All the best,
Glenn B