If you decide to donate, you get a chance to win something too, at least if you donate through certain of the participating fund raising and kilted bloggers. For instance, every $5.00 donated through the kilted blogger through whom I donate makes you eligible for a chance at a prize - he lists the prizes on his site as they become available. For instance, last year I won a stripped AR lower (with custom engraving) from York Arms; alas I never was able to claim my prize due to confusion over the NY SAFE Act. Nonetheless, the opportunity to do some good by way of a donation to the Prostate Cancer Foundation and to get a tax deduction is there for you as is the chance to win some sort of a prize for each multiple of $5 that you donate (at least through the fund raising efforts of the person through whom I donate but I am pretty sure it works the same with many of the Kilted Cancer Kickers' efforts). The donations are all made through the same venue: http://www.kintera.org/faf/home/default.asp?ievent=1082303.

If you want to donate through Jay, without going to his blog, you can do it from this link which takes you directly to his Kilted To Kick Cancer donation page:
or you can go to the main Kilted To Kick Cancer page:
and enter his name, Jay Grazio, after you click on donate to a participant. Of course, you can also donate through any other participant or can donate to the Kilted to Kick Cancer fund in general without going through a participant by clicking on Donate To KTKC at the link directly above.
If you do donate, the Prostate Cancer Foundation sends you an email receipt for your records and for tax purposes. This year, I received my email receipt almost immediately after making my donation.
By the way, I mentioned above that they are all "manly gun toting men wearing
All the best,
Glenn B