Friday, September 14, 2007

GARAGE/TAG SALE MADNESS... all I can hope for tomorrow, after the madness of getting ready tonight. Just labelling everything is a pain in the butt. Of course there is an awful lot else to get ready. Tables, at the ready, chairs at the ready, lots of sale items at the ready. Now they all need to be arranged on my driveway tomorrow. Maybe the rain will end early. Yes it is raining now and expected to rain through the early to mid morning. I am starting the sale at 11:00 Am, so maybe it will be dry by then. The sun promises to come out, or should I say the weather dopes people say it will be a sunny day by late morning. I can only hope.

If the weather folks are right, then maybe I'll have a nice crowd show up. I had an ad in the paper, and an ad on Craig's List. So far I have gotten about 25 to 30 email inquiries about the sale, so that is promising. That ad was free, but the one in the paper, and on the paper's website, cost me about $50. I have to make at least that back, plus the cost of labels, about $3, to break even. I have a lot of stuff to sell so it should not be too hard, if it does not rain too much, and if enough people with cash show up. Anything more than that is a plus. I am keeping my finger's crossed.

All the best,
Glenn B