...in the event I have even one leftist anti-gun person, or someone sitting on the fence betwixt the Right To Keep And Bear Arms and Gun Control, stop by and watch this, I figured it would be worth embedding here.
Then again, some things she said sank home even with me especially the lesson to be learned (or reminded of in my case) at 11:01 of the video.
Joe Langdell, the oldest survivor of the sinking of the USS Arizona at Pearl Harbor, has died. He was 100 when he passed away last Wednesday. Take a moment to read the linked article and to say a prayer or have a thought in his honor and to honor all of them who lost their lives protecting the USA.
...as in fucked over and definitely not as in sexually. I don't know what these Brazilian prison guards were thinking (really I do know) but it surely wasn't with the brains in their bigger heads when three scantily clad women, in police dominatrix type outfits, seduced them inside the jail they were guarding. The women got the cops snockered, handcuffed them and freed 28 prisoners who then stole guns and ammo from the jail before fleeing.
It is not the plot twist of a comedy movie - it reportedly really happened (source& second source). Imagine being one of those jailers, they are going to get screwed alright - just not the way they had hoped. Serves them right I suppose, you have got to be pretty friggin stupid to think that those women showed up there, dressed like that, just to have sex with them in a jail and not suspect that something else was up. Morons but I suppose such is the power of the brainless head once it realizes that the possibility of sex is nigh. It drives men to do things they would never do had they used the head on their shoulders but somehow it often overpowers that head regardless of its smaller size.