Saturday, January 23, 2016

Google Public Alerts Is Forecasting 24 - 28 Inches Of The White Stuff...

...for lower NY State, including NYC and Long Island (except for the eastern forks where they predict a few inches less). I am guess, that where we live, we have had at least 18 inches so far but it is very difficult to judge because of the winds causing drifts in some areas and bare spots, and I do mean virtually free of snow, in other spots. There I a pile of snow on my very small front lawn that is about 4 to 4.5 feet deep. Just a few feet away from there is an oblong area about 4x10 feet with no snow. I could not even shovel it that clean right now because when I have shoveled, where the snow is piled up, some of the snow underneath sticks to the ground keeping it white no matter what. In this particular spot though, it is virtually bare. I had thought the spot in my backyard, where the snow is only about a 1/4" deep, was strange but the bare spot in front of my house is freaky.

Right now, from what I can tell, they say the snow will stop falling at about 0200. That probably means at least another 6 inches by then at the rate it has been coming down and who knows how high the rifts will be. I just shoveled out the walk on the side of my garage and the snow was between at least 3 to 4 feet deep along it. After I got to the front, I saw the snow on the sidewalk is only about 8 inches deep in most places up to about three feet deep in a drift near my driveway. My son shoveled the sidewalk earlier today and it looks as if my neighbor may have also come by with his snow blower; if not that, then the wind has been helpful in that regard. As for me, I am waiting until it stops to do the sidewalk again.

This global warming man-made climate change sure is something. It was almost 50 degrees a few days ago now we are in the middle of a mega blizzard (at least for Long Island) but it should hit the mid-forties by Tuesday. And to think, it is all early man's fault, as in mankind about 7,000 years ago (well according to the leftist eggheads anyway)!!!

I am going to do my share to keep the climate changing and have a couple or three alcoholic beverages along with some junk food of one sort or another. (I wonder if I still have those Andy Capp's Hot Fries somewhere.)I am sure all that alcohol and all that junk food will combine in my gut and will eventually come out as methane. Surely, that indubitably will help to destroy the natural order of our climate just as much as any farmer slashing and burning an acre or two several thousand years ago. You don't believe that do you but then you have never smelt one I have dealt cause if you had, you would believe I could destroy our climate in a night or two.

All the best,

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