Sunday, March 20, 2011

Charlton Heston...

...had, what has to be (for me at least) one of the best if not the best, single line from any movie ever:

"Take your stinking paws off me, you damned dirty ape!"

It made my 12 year old heart thump with excitement, and all the movie goers screamed in unison with approval, for the courage exhibited by the brave hero who spoke those lines in the face of overwhelming circumstances.

It was followed, a couple of minutes later, by what was probably, when taken in context, one of the second best movie lines ever:

"It’s a madhouse - a madhouse!"

Of course, the last lines of the movie were pretty good to:

"Oh my God. I'm back. I'm home. All the time, it was... We finally really did it. (screaming) You Maniacs! You blew it up! Ah, damn you! God damn you all to hell!"

Yep, I was just watching
Planet of the Apes. When it came out, it was probably the best, most startling, awesome and advanced, sci-fi movie of its day. It easily still remains among the top 10, maybe even the top 5. No sequels, no television series, no remake(s) can do it justice.

All the best,

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