Saturday, December 2, 2006

Remember those 6 Muslims pulled off the USA Air flight...

...I think it was last week just before Thanksgiving. A lot has been said about how they were embarrassed, about how they were targeted because of their religion or their ethnicity, about how they were wronged. You hear those things mainly from them, their lawyer and the Muslim community - of course you also hear it from the good old ultra liberal leftist media in the USA. As usually you do not hear a lot of the fact, or so it has become apparent to me. These guys were not removed from an aircraft, then detained and questioned for 5 hours for nothing, that is not how the FBI operates. There had to be a reason, but who has reported it? Not many to none from what I can tell.

If you want to read some of the interesting alleged facts of this case, coming mostly from a first hand source, then go to Debbie Schlussel's site and look at the entry dated December 1, 2006 (you may have to scroll down as she adds other blogs. You can get to her site via this link: It would not surprise me to find out the allegations made in the letter that Ms. Schlussel present us with were true, and therefore would not surprise me either that US news media did not report on it because they are truly, in great part, leftist to the extreme.

All the best,
Glenn B

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