The progressive, liberal, leftist Democrats are at it once again. They are about to introduce legislation to add 4 seats to the Supreme Court in an attempt to pack the court with liberal judges. See:
While it may be legal, this is an outrage that goes far beyond anything they have attempted since FDR was in the White House. If they succeed you can kiss your Constitutionally protected rights goodbye for a long long time. My guess is that once they have whittled down our rights and liberties with a packed Supreme Court, a revolution in the form of a civil war will not be far behind and hundreds of thousands if not millions of Americans will perish because of this legislation if it passes into law. Leave it to the left to always play dirty and to try to stack the deck in their favor without regard for the true welfare of the American citizen.
Of course, one can hope that just as back in FDR's day, many of those in the Democrat party will vote against it. Even the ultra-liberal Ruth Bader Ginsberg was against packing the Supreme Court; so, there is hope other Democrats will be of like mind now and thus tragedy will be avoided.
All the best,
Glenn B
back in fdr's day, democrats were liberal, today they're insane.
What McConnell did absolutely had nothing to do with packing the Supreme Court with justices regardless of him doing something that was indeed hypocritical. Nor does what he did justify what Biden or his administration seemingly wants to do with regard to packing the Supreme Court. Yet, you somehow arrive at the conclusion that McConnell is responsible for the actions of Biden and his administration who apparently want to pack the court.
McConnell is not the first hypocrite (nor the first pitiful RINO) in political office nor will he be the last and there are many on all sides; yet, to say that President Biden is doing the same as McConnell, as in to win at all costs, is just you trying to justify the dems trying to pack the court. When you base Biden’s actions upon the wrong doing of another person, you evidently disregard everything that the current president has done that has been hypocritical, or wrong or were examples of him trying to win at any cost, over the course of his less than illustrious 40 plus year career in politics. You seem to make him out as some sort of an angel or at least as someone justifiably taking vengeance by any means at any cost. So tell me; how is that morally justified and how does that help the citizens and legal resident aliens within this country? Anyway, not I will not blame McConnell for what Joe Biden or the current administration does or is trying to do because it is not McConnell trying to do it; that just as I never blamed anyone for what McConnell did since he is the one that did whatever deeds he carried out.
That said, I also must say, I believe McConnell to be a useless POS as far as politics goes (except maybe he was useful to RINOs & to democrats in how much he stuck his head up Obama's arse, in regard to many things, while Obama was president). If you doubt I feel or have felt that way about the old tortoise faced POS, just query him in my blog and you will see (if you can look objectively for once) that I abhor him.
The bottom line is: One wrong does not justify another. At least that is as I see it but, of course, you are free to think differently.
All the best,
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