Lest those of you with dirty minds think I mean something else, allow me to clarify that I meant I took a few inches off of my sidewalk as in I was out shoveling the white stuff. I am guesstimating it was already about 3 inches deep. My wife tells me she heard there are up to another 5 inches expected to fall before it ends sometime tonight. She also said, she heard that the almost windless storm may yet turn into a nor'easter. The extra few inches of snow would not be all that bad, especially since it is pretty cold, around 22 degrees right now, and the snow thus far is pretty lightweight. If it turns into a nor'easter though, I expect drifts to pile up on our side of the street and that could make it a backbreaker since my back was already sore before I started shoveling. Right now, the back is somewhat painful but merely a bit more achy than before.
The warmed German Nurnberger Gluhewein that I am enjoying right now, with a decent dollop of Luksusowa potato vodka added for effect, should help in that department. In addition to the potential pain relief and buzz for which I am hoping, the really nice thing about adding vodka to it is that the vodka hardly changed the flavor of this truly delicious Bavarian spiced wine. By the way, this is the first time I have imbibed even a drop since last Thursday and I guess the abstinence made it taste better than I had expected. Dieting can have tasty results!
Oh well, such are the effects of Global Warming - snow in January - an aching back from snow shoveling - and some spiced wine with a dollop of added sprits to dull the pain and warm the bones. Can you imagine that? If not, then go away and never read my blog again!
All the best,
Glenn B

Oh well, such are the effects of Global Warming - snow in January - an aching back from snow shoveling - and some spiced wine with a dollop of added sprits to dull the pain and warm the bones. Can you imagine that? If not, then go away and never read my blog again!
All the best,
Glenn B
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it WORKS!!
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