Saturday, November 3, 2012

Newly Hatched Crested Gecko

I have had a few crested gecko eggs incubating for what seems like an eternity now. Well, a baby hatched out today, or I should say was freed from its egg today by me. I cut the egg open to see if it was ready to hatch and it was fully developed with no egg yolk attached. So, it either had been stuck in the shell and unable to cut its way out or was just biding its time. It will probably do well as it seemed to have gotten its bearings and started to move about with balance a moment or two after it came out of the shell. I have one other egg remaining inside the incubator of three that had been in there. That one will remain as is and I'll wait for that baby to hatch on its own for another couple of weeks, then if not hatched I will slice a small starter hole in the egg. The other egg was not good.

 It is mostly dark red with a light tan mottling on its tail. Its color may change as it matures; crested geckos are quite variable in color as adults and baby lizards often change color as they grow into adulthood. Heck the color may change under different light as it usually does.

Now to find some pinhead crickets as soon as possible to start feeding this little booger. It will also get a diet of fruit baby food (like Gerber's mango mix) and crested gecko diet (a powder that mixes with water).

All the best,
Glenn B

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