Sunday, May 27, 2012

Has The Zombie Apocalypse Actually Begun - Naked Man Shot and Killed By Police In Miami

"Miami police and witnesses say that an officer on Saturday fatally shot a naked man who was chewing on the face of another man on a downtown causeway off-ramp."


"Police theorize the attacker might have been suffering from "cocaine psychosis," a drug-induced craze that bakes the body internally and often leads the affected to strip naked to try and cool off."


Yeah right, but that is not what I am thinking. I don't know about you but stuff like this scares me and makes me think of places like Racoon City (if you don't understand the reference, watch the movie Resident Evil). Maybe it is because I watch many too many zombie movies or maybe it is because seemingly crazy people who commit monster like violence are becoming all too common or maybe it is a combination of both. As it stands now, this attack, with its zombie attack like similarities - a man, a naked man at that, in a very weird location for both him and the victim to be afoot, chewing off another man's face and ignoring police orders to desist, then being shot several times to stop him and the police having an immediate hypothetical reason as to why he was naked and violent to the extreme - is almost too much for me to cope with, this early, on a Sunday (or as I now say in retirement, just another Saturday) without me thinking about something horrifically phantasmagorical like a zombie apocalypse. All that, especially before my first cuppa Joe, was pretty freaky. What I can cope with though is not important.

I almost cannot fathom what the police officer who had to shoot this guy is going to go through. Not so much because he shot him and killed him but because of the gruesomeness of the crime that he witnessed and took decisive action to end. Neither can I imagine what the victim of the crime will have to go through after having survived an unusual assault as that and likely winding up facially disfigured for life (they said the guy ate half of his face).

Just way too weird not to be scary.

All the best,
Glenn B

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