Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The First Lady....

...wants us to watch what we eat! Have you taken a look at her derriere lately? It is disproportionately huge in comparison to her head. Maybe that is because something that belongs in her head is really in her ass. All that not to mention her flabby upper arms. I am no lightweight myself but I do not go around professing that everyone in America should follow my guidelines to lose weight when I myself do not follow them. For example, while she has been telling us to all lose weight by watching what we eat, and has been praising and pushing the properties of organic vegetables, something else was happening at the White House Super Bowl party. Have you seen the list of delectables that was served at the White House Super Bowl party? If you have not seen the menu, here are at least some of the items that were served:

assorted beverages including at least 2 kinds of beer


buffalo wings


deep dish pizza

chips & dips

German potato salad


potato chips


twice-baked potatoes

salad (apparently not organic)

As the First Lady's other end keeps getting broader, she keeps taking broadsides at the rest of America and all the while keeps butting-in to our lives. It seems, if left up to her, we would not be able to choose what we eat, all only to satisfy her voracious appetite for control of every aspect of our lives!




All the best,

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