My Daughter Voted - Did You?
I am very proud to know that my daughter did her civic duty today and voted. She was thinking she would not bother but I kept pestering her. She said that she voted straight Republican. Maybe that was to shut me up because I kept asking her for whom she had voted or maybe it was just fact. I hope it was fact. She admitted she did not know much about some candidates but the feeling I got was she was disappointed with the incumbents who were running and with President Obama (she did not vote for him, she voted for McCain) and the apparent way he is ruining running America. If she voted the way she said she did, I have to hand it to her because in my opinion she is old enough, wise enough, smart enough, logical enough and sensible enough to have figured it out herself. If she voted the other way, that was her choice to make - after all it is her vote and she has to be the one to make up her own mind as to how to exercise that very precious right. Yippee she voted Republican is the way I will see it since that is what she told me! If you have not voted yet and if the polls are still open near you, I implore you to get out to vote. Vote for whom you want and for whomever you believe will help us out of the mess in which we find ourselves - but make sure to vote.All the best,Glenn B
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