On a related note, NY has gone to a computerized balloting system - sort of. In my polling place you voted on paper ballot which I needed to use my reading glasses to read - the stronger pair. The print must be really hard to read for senior citizens. Add to that the confusion of the ballot itself which has almost all the candidates for any position listed in a single column, that is until they ran out of space then added another column, next to the one you are supposed to vote in, with additional candidates or they placed two candidates in a box the sized used for one candidate higher up on the page. This must have been done because the computer only accepts a certain width paper. It could have been easily solved had they laid out candidates in rows left to right instead of columns up and down, but this is the ass end of America, after all it is NY. Sadly, regardless of the state, it is ridiculous and would be anywhere because it definitely could be confusing for a new voter, possibly confusing for the average voter, and probably confusing for an elderly voter. After you fill in the circles for your candidates, and do so on a shaky stand with three so called privacy booths (the partitions of which over which you can easily see the ballot of the person next to you), you place your ballot into a computer which gobbles it up, never to be seen by you again, and then flashes a message on the screen that your vote was counted. It does not allow you to verify your vote or to see that the computer read it correctly or not.
As for me, I had to sit at a table to fill in my ballot since the so called privacy booth stand was shaking so badly. Hopefully the ink in the pen they handed me was readable by the computer. I think the old system of voting booths with levers was overall easier to use than this new system and note there are no directions on how to do anything with this system. I asked the voting clerk, how do I place the paper into the computer. Do I do it face up, face down, this end first, the other end first and he told me - it does not matter. Did that mean he guessed I was a Republican and had voted that way and my candidates would lose because this was NY so my vote did not matter. Or did he mean that the machine could read it no matter how I placed it into the ballot feeder. I find it almost impossible to believe that the ballot read could read it if it went in with the wrong side facing the sensors, or that there are actually sensors on top and bottom to actually read it no matter how entered. I will check on that, that is if I do not forget.
Oh well, I voted. All I can do now is wait to see if my choices are elected or not.
By the way, I was listening to Rush this afternoon, who asked if his listeners were aware that Arizona Governor Jan Brewer was up for reelection this time around and also asked if you have seen one report on the main Stream media that she was up for reelection. Have you? I have not It just goes to show you that the M is a liberally biased left wing organization as far as I can see it. Her running for reelection should be big news but then again any news about her is liable to get her more votes from Arizonans. Less news about her runs with "Out of sight, out of mind" and fewer people are likely to even realize she is running and thereby fewer voters will come out to support her. Hopefully this disgusting show of media bias is not effecting voters in AZ who are probably aware she is running. As for the MSM's handling of this - what a disgrace.
Whomever is your choice in these elections, I urge you to exercise your civic duty and your right to vote - if you have not voted early then get out there and vote today!
All the best,
Glenn B
All the best,
Glenn B
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