Wednesday, August 26, 2009

I Again Ask Myself - Why Am I, Or Anyone, A Law Enforcement Officer?

Sometimes I truly wonder why I, or anyone for that matter, ever gets involved in law enforcement work. Sure it is an honest way to make a living, you have a lot of potential to do good for your community, you get to do some adventurous things, and the pay can be excellent. Then again, when faced with some of the possibilities of a day's, such as the stress you can be put, the lack of respect you encounter, the hatred that is spewn at you, and the danger you can face - well I am right back to wondering why anyone would want such a job. Of course, the thing that makes me wonder the most is probably all of the second guessing like the charges of racism if an officer interrogates, arrests, or shoots someone of a minority group, the commissions and panels formed to determine if the officer acted in good faith within the scope of his duties, the defense lawyers , the civil attornies during lawsuits, the negative media attention and so on. I suppose all the negative stuff truly outweighs the good, or at least it should, in the eyes of a normal person and therefore no normal person would ever take a job as a law enforcement officer. I eam - would you be willing to face this at your job for let's say: $25,000 - $75,000 per year - and then realize that you may very well face the same thing everyday for the rest of your 25 year career?

Watch the video then answer the question again.

Yep, it always amazes me that we have anyone at all willing to take jobs as law enforcement officers. Yet, it amazes me even much more so that people in jobs like school teacher, garbage man, baseball player (yes even the big hitters), librarian, mayor, computer technician, college professor, construction worker, electrician, truck driver all think they are not paid enough for what they do while at the same time believing law enforcement officers are overpaid way too much. These people who complain about police salaries are the same people who complain about police racism, police cronyism, abuse of police power, and on and on and on. Sometimes I truly wonder why I, or anyone for that matter, ever stayed involved in law enforcement work once we were fool enough to hire on in the first place.

All the best,
Glenn B

Video Source:

1 comment:

Humble wife said...

Sometimes I truly wonder why I, or anyone for that matter, ever stayed involved in law enforcement work once we were fool enough to hire on in the first place.
I dont, and I know you were not really asking. As I know you are in the career for all the reasons that most LE officers are- to make a difference, because you like the job, because it is not the same day in and day out, because you interact with people on a daily basis, because the bad is really bad, but when it is good it is AWESOME.

Yep, I understand very much.