Dog Piss Stains and the Joys of Carpet Cleaning...
...are among things most on my mind right now - can you imagine what a boring life I lead! Fact is that our oldest dog Sprocket, at about 17 to 18 years old, is pretty darned old and sometimes just can not hold it in while we are at work. (She is the one to your left in the photo.) The carpet in the basement, and the one in the living room, have suffered because of that. While the one on the living room is not looking too bad, the one in the basement has large obvious stains. So off to Home Depot I went last week to rent a carpet shampooer. Silly me for not having called first, they had none on hand. It seemed a lot of folks had flooded basements and needed to clean carpets due to very heavy rains just over a week ago. So I waited, and I called yesterday, and they said 'come on down - we have plenty'.So far I have spent a few hours moving furniture, vacuuming, and shampooing the carpet. Now I am waiting for the dehumidifier to works it magic, and when the half of the basement carpet that I cleaned is dry, I'll check to see if the stains are gone. If so, then onto the other half of the basement carpet, and probably the living room carpet too. Oh joy.Later for you, time to check to see how clean it got.All the best,Glenn B
Well, it's not totally dry yet, but it looks as if the pee stains have disappeared! Whoopee. I may have to do this at least once a year now that I saw how much filth came out of the carpet. Once done downstairs, then onto the living room too.
Funny thing how cleaning the carpet got me to dust all the furniture, vacuum the dust off of the walls behind furniture, vacumm the dust off of the steam pipes, clean and polish all the woodwork, and stuff like that.
All the best,
What a great guy! Will the wife give you brownie points for this???
penofjen (THE WIFE) helped find people to tag. If you are game, I am tagging you. by the way I too am familiar with the whole "doggie pissie" scenario.
have fun and shoot over to quillofbill to see what the tagging is all about.
The only thing worse is cat piss, which our 16 year old cat is blessing the basement carpeting with regularly. Even though we clean it up, we no longer allow guests down there.
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