Monday, October 21, 2024

An Open Challenge To The Blabbermouth Tim Walz

So he thinks he can shoot better than all of those who criticized how poorly he handled a shotgun, dropping shells while trying to do so, and he says he has the trophies to prove it. Trophies don't mean squat especially in this world of participation trophies; so, I challenge that windbag politician to a duel of sorts to see who shoots better - him or one of his critics, that critic being me. If I win - he apologizes to "all 2nd amendment loving Americans" and admits he sucks at shooting or he can opt to drop out of the race for vice president. If he wins, I will buy him a new shotgun valued at up to $2,000.00 or I can opt to vote for Harris and him. 

Let's do this; let's each use all stock guns (no modifications at all, just as right out of the box): to shoot slow fire 25 rounds of 9mm pistol at 15 yards, slow fire 25 rounds of 38 caliber revolver at 15 yards, slow fire 20 rounds of 5.56X45mm rifle at 50 yards iron sights (or similar); then let's shoot 10 rounds of defensive 12 gauge shotgun, smooth bore barrel, with open iron rifle sights using rifled slugs at 25 yards (I'll be using a Remington 870 he can use the same or a similar pump gun) and 10 rounds of 12 gauge trap using his choice of shotgun for him (like the one he could not load properly) and I'll use a Remington 870. We can also shoot a 9mm pistol bowling ball match - all pins off the table first wins that part. I have only shot a bowling pin once before but somehow I won (sorry no trophy but maybe a video). You must load all of your weapons or weapon's magazines by yourself. We both use the same exact types of ammo (all commercial name bran stock no hand-loads). Eyes & ears required. All trap thrown by the same throwers (you shoot five shots from one thrower, I from another, then we switch positions and we each change throwers to the one just used by the other shooter). All sections of the match, except trap, using standard Law Enforcement type stationary targets, like one of these B27E targets:

I may suck big-time at trap and you might win in that round of fire but as it stands Mr. Walz - I am willing to bet (and in fact just did offer up my bet to you) that you probably are not about to beat me overall in this competition. Of course, you claimed you have trophies to prove you are a better shooter than your critics and you also previously claimed you had combat experience with weapons or at least carried them in combat; so, you Mr. Walz with all those trophies and claimed combat experience must be confident enough to take my bet and you should be able to beat me at all the rest besides just trap - don't ya think! For just once, I'd like to see a career politician actually support what he or she says about himself or herself by actually proving it.
In the infamous words of Ralph Kramden, all I can say to that is: 
Just substitute Mr. Walz for the name Alice and Glenn for the name Ralph in the rest of the dialogue in the video. 

Lets go Mr. Walz, right to the range, make it a campaign issue. Have your crew of liberal lackeys contact me via my contact link on this blog to set it up. Bring the media but make sure to include OANN & Fox News. Lets do it a week or two before election day.
One other thing, loser pays any and all range fees and for the ammo.
Oh, by the way, I have 8.5 years on you in terms of age so you should be able to beat an old timer like me hands down or are you too chicken shit to try! Just think of me as your opportunity to prove your prowess to America by beating another Bobby Riggs. Think of the votes you will get if you beat me.

All the best
Glenn B

PS: If anyone knows anyone inside the Trump campaign, let them know I threw down the gauntlet.

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