Friday, July 26, 2024

149 Years Ago Today...

... one of my favorite outlaws committed his first known robbery when he held up a stagecoach carrying a Wells Fargo strong box. He robbed many more over the years, never fired a shot or hurt anyone as far as I am aware, was a poet of sorts and apparently was a well spoken gentleman. He was Black Bart  more about him at the linked page.

All the best,
Glenn B

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Good Memories In Uneasy Times

 I am sick and tired of all the crap in the news. Trump almost being assassinated and the abject failure of the Secret Service (or was it a conspiracy to eliminate him) was & remains truly frightening; Biden dropping out of the race but somehow being seen as fit enough to remain president for six more months is dismaying & quite frankly very scary considering the world situation to say the least; the prospect of the cackling idiot possibly getting the Democrat nomination and maybe even winning the election for the presidency has my head spinning. I needed something to remind me of better days, and these did just that: 


The family that shoots together - hoots together! Gotta go shooting again with my son sooner than later. I know you are reading this BBB, so let's get going to a range soon, hopefully on a cooler day but summertime will be fine by me. I'll supply the ammo!
All the best,
Glenn B

Saturday, July 13, 2024

The Teflon Don... what my son is calling Trump! Let's face it, he is one lucky man. An inch or so to the left and his skull would have at the least been creased, more likely would have wound up missing quite a bit of bone. Two or three inches to the left at most and his brain would have been mush!

He is lucky in one other way. Today, just short of four months to election day, Trump has won the 2024 race for the presidency. At least I believe this makes him unbeatable. So, if he lives until November, he is going to win the election. Let's hope there were no poisons on the round that hit him, something like Ricin in a hollow point, could be catastrophic. Let's also hope there are no more assassination attempts or other calamities that befall him.

As my son said too bad they killed the wannabe assassin. Lots might have been learned had he or she (or maybe even he-she) been taken alive.

No matter what, make sure to vote for Trump in November.

All the best,
Glenn B

Thursday, July 11, 2024

If They Run Biden...

...for the presidency, will they keep the cackling buffoon as his running mate. I ask because I have to wonder are they truly idiotic enough to want her to become president. Let's face it, Biden likely will not be able to complete another four years in office because he almost certainly will either drop dead of natural causes, be thrown out due to mental deficiencies or be assassinated by a leftist psycho (not advocating nor suggesting anyone do so, merely predicting). Any of those would make a woman, who seemingly cannot express a whole thought without bursting out in apparent uncontrollable laughter, our next president.

So, what could the Democrat party do. My guess is if Biden actually gets the nomination, at the Democrat convention, Harris will not be his running mate. Instead, I imagine someone, maybe with at least half a brain, will be chosen to replace her. That way when Biden dies or is booted out of office due to mental health issues, someone more competent, at least in the eyes of liberals, will step into his shoes. Of course, I could be wrong, after all, the libs picked the Biden-Harris team last time around as the best they had to offer.

I hope the Republicans have anticipated such and have a plan to overcome such a maneuver. 

All the best,
Glenn B

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Happy Indepemce Day

 1776 not just a date, a way of life. So it says on the t-shirt I'm wearing and I believe that 100 percent. Several of the signers of the Declaration of Independence lost their lives in during the revolution, at least one whom the British told that all he had to do was recant to save the lives of his sons said "no" and he then lost his sons, others lost their fortunes and died impoverished. They gave their all for their cause. Let us not forget them, they gave us what we have today.

All the best,
Glenn B