Thursday, July 11, 2024

If They Run Biden...

...for the presidency, will they keep the cackling buffoon as his running mate. I ask because I have to wonder are they truly idiotic enough to want her to become president. Let's face it, Biden likely will not be able to complete another four years in office because he almost certainly will either drop dead of natural causes, be thrown out due to mental deficiencies or be assassinated by a leftist psycho (not advocating nor suggesting anyone do so, merely predicting). Any of those would make a woman, who seemingly cannot express a whole thought without bursting out in apparent uncontrollable laughter, our next president.

So, what could the Democrat party do. My guess is if Biden actually gets the nomination, at the Democrat convention, Harris will not be his running mate. Instead, I imagine someone, maybe with at least half a brain, will be chosen to replace her. That way when Biden dies or is booted out of office due to mental health issues, someone more competent, at least in the eyes of liberals, will step into his shoes. Of course, I could be wrong, after all, the libs picked the Biden-Harris team last time around as the best they had to offer.

I hope the Republicans have anticipated such and have a plan to overcome such a maneuver. 

All the best,
Glenn B


riverrider said...

biden is out, that was evident the next morning when the media had their scripted marching orders. that came from the top. if he somehow manages to change their minds, kamala will be the vp. she's already making race card noises about if she's passed over. the convention will nominate someone else. my bet is on hakeem jeffries, selected for minority leader on his first term. the obama heir apparent. he could pick his own vp, i'm betting mooch big mike obama, but maybe hochul or whitmer. it doesn't really matter as long as its no joe. they just need some one that they can convince the voters "could have" won, to cover the horrendous cheat that's going to have to happen. and gives them a race card to boot. the elephants aren't ready for that one either. on the outside chance they can't cheat enough, the violent reaction by the left will make the watts riots like like sunday brunch. either way, we're hosed.

Rick said...

Joepedo and the CA whore were not picked for being the best. They were selected ed for being the easiest to manipulate.