Thursday, October 26, 2023

Maine, The Slaughter In

Lewiston today was horrendous to say the least. If somehow you have not heard about it yet, there is much more at the source
Other than offering my heartfelt condolences to the families, loved ones, friends of the deceased and hoping that the wounded living make full recoveries sooner than later all the more that I can say at this point is: I hope they definitely identify & catch the bastard who did it, that they take him alive but only after he resists first and they (as in law enforcement officers) legally shoot him at least several times. Then, he can rot in jail or a mental institution (if he truly is mentally ill as some very early reporting stated may be the case). Evil incarnate is what I think of the person who committed these unfathomable acts of murderous slaying.
All the best,
Glenn B

1 comment:

riverrider said...

funny how a "white supremacist" passed by somali establishments to kill white folks. he's giving them a run for their money tho. they've even called in border patrol and coast guard. he's had time to be in toronto or kitty hawk by now.